Is the day of the week restriction designated by car or owner? I for one can get behind a system that makes me drive a different car every day of the week.
Is the day of the week restriction designated by car or owner? I for one can get behind a system that makes me drive a different car every day of the week.
Not to be pedantic but that is not the headline.
What a misleading post. Please point out which parts of this headline mislead someone to anything you just mentioned.
I for one DO want to see cheap Chevy's stuck in the ground. It's a question of how deep.
This man is my new hero.
Volvo's test track in Sweden is where the safest cars in the world are being developed. Volvo thinks they can eliminate all deaths in their cars by 2020 and they're doing it with extensive testing, all the way to simulating city streetcorners with a replica of Harlem.
Give it a few years. The generation that bought them all is retiring right now and will start to downsize for various reasons in the next 10-20 years.
Remember the good old days when GM gave you cars with nagging inadequacies that make you aspire to buy a Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, or Cadillac? Apparently so does GM.
Can't we just convince every one of those additional people to live in Montana? I would love to seriously consider solutions to this problem but I have to go lobby for a new sports stadium.
Could be worse. Chevrolet ball gag.
Getting the robots to drive the car is easy. Getting them to grope the female passengers is the true challenge.
The CRZ was designed by committee to try to please everyone. They got it wrong and pleased nobody.
What if they threw everyone a curve ball? TRD Priius? Before you die laughing ask yourself who is doing anything in an affordable fun to drive small hybrid. No competition yet. Early bird gets the worm and all that.
No but this might be a case of a marketing gold turned to accounting lead. A genuine performance enhanced and fun to drive car with TRD associated with it would go a long way to younger people seeing Toyota as something more than a beige stain in the driveway.
That is on some level because Acura doesn't want anything to do with what it was when you, me, and it were younger. Why scrounge around trying to make a better car when you can just make a bigger car (SUV) and rake in the money. The letter X is the only thing left from the Acura of our youth.
Where will they start? With a TRD Camry, of course. Because nothing screams "performance" and "excitement" and "sex" like a souped-up Camry. Also, because NASCAR. From the story:
Long live the Sticker Upgrade Package. SUP
What if car makers are playing the long game? Get youths interested in their cars now so when they are older and have the income they can sell them a new car that reminds them of the forbidden fruit of their youth.
Probably more along the lines of a sticker that says TRD or maybe the Japanese equivalent of a Tasmanian devil.
Does anyone else see this on the back end?