Only if hipster is short for “fukken pretentious” in this context...
I was thinking “leisurely stroll” myself...why do we need some crazy name for something people have been doing for years (hell...centuries)?
More like, house clearing is actually a thing. Frankly, I just didn’t even bother in 3rd person. The risk was just too great and didn’t make sense to do so if you already had a rifle of some sort.
And exploiting people trying to clear a house has been made much more fair by first person. In 3rd, they can see around walls without being exposed to sight nor shot at all, which is extremely unfair in many situations.
FPS, overall, is definitely the “fair/fun” way to go for this type of game, but it would…
Not just any cow, either. It’s the same cow you have to launch all the way back in Level 1 in order to beat the level. It’s a pretty funny brick joke.
Or- and I’m just putting this out there- the story may have drawn down the scope of the battle to following three individual small stories, and didn’t include every single thing happening during the battle. I’ll note that while there were not Sikhs or such shown in the movie, there also weren’t any German soldiers…
I’m not sure games require puzzles or gameplay loops. In terms of moment to moment play, you’re mostly exploring spaces and watching scenes to get a better idea of what happened to the station. Watching someone in a group scene before they walk off with another character to have a discussion in a side room.
They shower in it!
I think it’s mostly people feeling betrayed by them saying one thing and then doing another. The idea itself isn’t really that big of a deal. Like you said it has no impact on gameplay and it’s the same model every other game in the world is adopting.
It is the internet, it is a popular game. There will be outrage. There could be a comma out of place and the world would end.
What happens when Zenyatta decides to become one with the map.
This is why I’m not so enthused about the whole autonomous car thing. It just takes one Dr. Evil or Lex Luther to start a whole Maximum Overdrive situation. I don’t want to be stuck in a grease pit of roadside diner with a screaming Yeardley Smith while autonomous cars circle the place waiting to run my ass over if I…
To be fair I think that falls under amplifying unheard voices
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I’m more surprised that Gawker finally used “collusion” in the proper context.
It’s regional, really. Obviously it’s frowned upon in places like Kyoto, but in parts of Okinawa they’ll be offended if you don’t.
Honestly, I can think of so many things worse. Losing a job, being homeless, having a chronic illness, food instability, etc. I think characterizing Trump supporters as a serious enemy and dehumanizing them is the quickest way to get another 4 years of Trump as president. Don’t give them that much power, think of them…
It was as if a million of boners suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced...