
I appreciate that Musk represents a new generation of hip, cool CEOs who are disrupting the way that cars are made, but I feel like on the eve of announcing production shortfalls, those boring old Ford and GM executives wouldn’t joke about being bankrupt.

Of course there’s a flip-flop sailing through the air.

Exactly. Not enough masculinity, to be precise.

2nd Gear: Elon Musk is genius about many things, but “work harder” isn’t a solution. At this rate, Tesla’s system engineers are probably going to beat Musk to death with their clipboards.

This is what keeps me playing PUBG. I appreciate the arcade-ness of Fortnite, and how quick and fast-paced it is, but they need to add a bit more realism into their weapon modeling.

I find that games that have a more realistic approach to warfare impart a much more subdued attitude towards firearms. Playing Squad for example, you’re probably only going to fire off your rifle after a long period of getting into position and then waiting for the enemy to attack. Even then, there is no real

1st Gear: I think the other companies are just relieved that they don’t have to worry about being the first one to kill somebody with an autonomous car.

They made a great call with changing the setting to Montana. The map feels more interesting and lived in, unlike FarCry 3 and 4 which just felt like the same hills and trees. Having spent a fair amount of time in Wyoming, they nailed the feeling of a mountain community pretty well too. The politics all err on the side

Poor California :,(

I don’t care, and it makes me sad.

That influence over manufacturers directly translates into regulatory influence over other states.

I’m not certain what you’re getting at here. I’m saying that it’s a matter of one state having excess influence over national regulatory poliicies with no recourse for those powerless states.

Take the logo and put a sombrero on top of it. Problem solved.

Depends on how much regulatory power you want to give to one state over the others. The interstate commerce clause doesn’t just protect the federal government’s authority to regulate commerce; in this case it’s defending states that are not California from being unable to have a practical say in regulations that

Try saying the words “I own a Tesla Model 3” out loud. How does it make you feel?

General consensus is that it’s not mean enough towards certain people.

I’d probably start by asking them who precisely the bad guys are and why, so that you’re not just instilling prejudice in your offspring at an early age.

It’s sort of like Andrew Cuomo is in training to lose the 2020 election to Trump.

It’s a salad.

This is ridiculously one-sided and the pro-gun characters are all laughable stereotypes.