
Good first bike?

White supremacy is what it looks like when identity politics gains legitimacy. You want people to vote because of their race? Guess what you’re going to get.

Being a dick in Diplomacy would probably mean being trustworthy and honoring all agreements.

You’re not actually missing anything. All the entries are variations of Boos from Mario Bros

It’s you guys. All cultural taboos come from the left these days, and that means you will be the target of comedy.

More dangerous fires, lower range, longer refueling time, higher pricetag

I want one, but I don’t think it’s fair I have to actually draw it. There should be an option to have one drawn for you, and you get to fill it in yourself!

Well look at the bright side: At least we get-FUCK YOU EA YOU FUCKING FUCKS GODDAMMIT

Neutral: I think their 2018 line up has some nice looking bikes. But I’m still in the market for my first bike, and they are waaaaaaay down on the list. Too expensive, too big, too aggressive.

Alright, better prompt:

Neutral: Magic.

I will never get tired of linking this:

Asian Cowboy Guy is awesome.

Good lord, can we move on with our lives? VR is on a wobbly enough foundation as it is without having to deal with nonsense like this.

On the plus side, I am learning a LOT about the World Cup qualification process today.

I got mansplained to once and I almost died. This is serious, people!

If I got paid what the players do, they can profit all they want from me.

They further sweetened the deal by handing out their Netflix username and password.