Honestly, it’s easier to just not give a shit.
Honestly, it’s easier to just not give a shit.
It tells way too much about the Outsider and the Void. Mystery is a big part of the series, and explaining it too much removes some of its impact.
They should have gone back to Dunwall.
I feel that it would be easier to actually conquer North Africa than play this.
“Dystopian future”
I brought a car into NYC once and I almost died. Don’t car in NY
Closet full of guns and ammo, and neighbors that really need to talk less about how much food they store for emergencies.
Why would they bother with making the whole car? All they need to do is make sure Facebook is integrated on whatever platform wins out in the self-driving race.
Hollow Knight was one of those games I tried for 15 minutes, put it down for a month or two, then tried it again and just got HOOKED.
“Oh, that. Yeah, the Skipper flies it whenever he gets laid in port call.”
Can we move the Lifehacker desks a little bit further away from the Jezebel desks? I think you’re getting some spillage.
Gotta say, if you ignore the “illegal” thing, this guys has a killer business plan.
Agreed. If you pay enough money in taxes, you should be able pick and choose which laws you follow.
Some men just want to watch the world burn
I’m torn about WotC. The gameplay additions are phenomenal.
It’s OK, no harm done.
“We’re curing this zombie plague...one bullet at a time.”
Um, why?
It’s gonna be neat when your car won’t start if you’re behind on your payments.
I’d like to remind everyone that this attitude is toxic, and embracing our common nationality and humanity to support each other in times of crisis is ultimately much more rewarding and fulfilling.