
There is already news about their battle royal mode, hunter vs hunted haha. 

On the other hand, canceling the INF Treaty means the U.S. is surrendering the legal and moral high ground.

Chill, child.

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

This one should have been a victory tour, instead its mope fest from Lara and tries to make you care about the people she takes artifacts from all the while you take artifacts and even take stuff from their homes. It doesn’t know how to juggle this at all. Add in that while Trinity wasn’t exactly the most amazing

Can you shut the hell up for once in your life? You’re such a fucking windbag. This kid doesn’t need your well-wishes. He’s doing this shit either way.

Thousands of words of hopeless drivel. Climate changes over time. The theory that humans are driving catastrophic, irreversible warming with imminent danger is absurd in the extreme.   This is just the latest in a hundred scare predictions over the last three decades that have amounted to absolutely zilch.  

Yeah agreed about the Trinity.

Bland is the perfect word for this game. I did enjoy it enough to play it twice (NG+), but I was also looking for another time killing game until RDR2 drops. It almost seems like they went backwards in game progression with the series? It’s probably not a good thing that even though I recently played this game, I can

“Pretty but bland” is how Tomb Raider: Underworld felt to me when it came out as well. That was a third entry in a trio of games as well. 

I was going to say that there were a bunch of things about the Trinity storyline in particular that made no sense. The big baddy supposedly grew up in an uncontacted village, but was somehow kidnapped from them, raised in western culture, obtained a PhD, AND rose to the head of an international religious conspiracy?

He’s not wrong. The democrats reacted to the election of trump by saying we need to abolish profit and smash the white, male structures of power. Thats not a winning strategy. Thats ending civilization. Im a lifelong democrat with a decades long record of working in union supporting, liberal campaigns including rising

Please stop cross-posting to Deadspin. IDGAF about this.

Yeah Activision should really slow down with Call of Duty games. And have a little breather between them.

Geez, Square relaunched this franchise well...but they seriously keep dropping the ball on releases.  Partnering with MS was dumb for the last one...im sure it made money, but because of it, the majority of console players never got to it because it came out a year later on PS4.  Then they partner with MS for E3, then

Geez, Square relaunched this franchise well...but they seriously keep dropping the ball on releases.  Partnering

The most confusing part of this entire circus, is the fact that people think it is right to throw “Due Process” and or “Innocent until proven guilty” out the window because they “feel” something or can relate. Relatability is not admission or proof of guilt. Ironic that we are circumventing rule of law in America for

Breasts should be hard and immobile, you know, like two bags of sand, just like God intended!

This articulated my feel. I like most of the ideas in Fortnite but I hate the aesthetic and presentation so much I can't stick with it.

I’m with Cicero.

The idea’s are great. Interacting with the community, with the giant cube and the bouncy lake and a floating island is A++ work.

But ANOTHER game of deathmatch with the “just build lol” gameplay has gotten very stale.