
Well, everyone on that flight from now on.

Don’t they do the thing where they announce the destination before the door closes?  Seems like it would have saved them a trip.

I think that Tesla’s value wasn’t in making EVs viable. I think they did more for adoption by making them cool.

Neutral: Meh, if they had stayed in the business of being a luxury brand, they’d probably be doing fine. Overpaying for a status-symbol goes a long way towards making a buyer immune to build-quality issues and delivery delays (“Another two months? Well, it is a Tesla.”) Elon certainly has the cult of personality you

I wouldn’t be sorry. Obviously this lady is so good at her job that she got the owner of the Patriots to stop by her cheapo massage parlor instead of whatever thousand-dollar-a-night hooker he could have gotten instead.

Narrator: “No.”

Looks like you got the scoop on the Tesla Truck!

This story felt good, but the episode immediately after felt a little like a commercial for Orangetheory Fitness.  Hope they’re not going corporate.

“Dude, there is, like, nothing worse than being stuck in traffic.”

I’m trying to think what could make a DC traffic jam worse, and having a million tons of cold dirt and rock surrounding you is a pretty good answer.

“Is there a hot pink breast cancer awareness car I can drive instead?”

Giant bag of Chik-fil-a sandwiches.

And don’t forget to vote for Ron Paul!

Kinda why I have a hard time buying the “These guys investing in [x technology] are going to leave everyone else in the dust!” argument you always hear.

Yeah, like with Ford. Say what you will about the customer base for the F-150 and Mustang, but I’m hard-pressed to disagree with them focusing in on the above two and letting their boring sedans die off.

4th Gear:

The scooters are definitely interesting, but I worry that they’re just trying to build brand awareness to funnel folks from into their traditional bikes. Maybe they need a separate brandname for them?


As a skilled spiritual medium for the American zeitgeist, I would actually say the first one.