Ocean Paper, Ltd.

Sweet that the slave owner and her slave ancestor were in love though, isn’t it?  What a weird thing to say.  How would that come up as verifiable in ancestry research???

Maybe the light skinned black kid was a better actor and he and his parents were cool with it?

Yeah that person is freaking me the fuck out.  I get a very uncomfortable feeling looking at her. 

Right?! It’s like that fucking J.K. Rowling Muggle-splaining everything away!

Agree 100%. I have a 24 year old woman on my team at work and she talks about having something like 17 tattoos but not a single one is more than 1 inch squared.

THANK you lol, it’s fucking shameless.

Haha, this is straight off of reddit. Not good.

I will forever be indebted to “Big Night” for introducing me to the wonderful tunes of Claudio Villa.

Juan Wong step and you’ll end up in prison.

That is certainly one of the most troubling outcomes of all this, and in hindsight I hope that my comment didn’t imply any kind of real support for him as an individual.

I totally agree but, man! Anna’s first response to Robby Soave’s comment must still be pretty embarrassing for her.

ok fiiiiine... I’ll go back and read them again (I’ve done this before).

So I was one of those people, and I came back to this post to check out more comments and see where I have erred, so to speak, and what I am gathering is that yes, she was hugely popular in the UK in the 80s (give or take a couple years in either direction), she is extremely private and doesn’t travel, and her last

Yeah this seems like an 80s British thing, I have never heard of her.

Damn, how old are you?? :) j/k

They forgot to say “not” in the first part of the sentence, I understood what they are saying pretty easily.

You are still on this BernieBro shit?!?! Jesus. Just as bad as Donald mentioning Hillary every time shit is hitting the fan. Good christ, move on with your life. Are all of those college educated white women BernieBros? How the fuck you got 150 people to agree with this BernieBro drivel is fucking mind boggling.

Hear, hear.  I always find it interesting when the authors are a bit more engaged in the comments, you get to learn a little more. Some of the author’s comment replies suggest this is a serious thing that we need to double down on, some replies are laughing at comments (“Lol are you honestly saying every uninsured

You’re implying that Jared Kushner’s involvement in this executive order somehow makes this relevant to the nepotism laws, which the President’s staff are exempt from those US Codes that you quoted above.

But this isn’t the creation of an agency, this is an executive order to basically cull official agencies that will be executed with Jared Kushner running point. W creating the Department of Homeland Security is creating an official agency.