Ocean Paper, Ltd.

I am pretty sure the President of the United States is allowed to have a personally selected, no-need-to-be-confirmed staff, and these are the types of roles that comprise that organization. They aren’t doing the work of the Department of Education or the State Department, these are just his ‘people.’ It isn’t an

Great response, you’ve convinced me :)

Again, this has been a story for months, and it is enraging, but it isn’t some new thing with Ivanka putting her role on the books.

It has been the argument for months, and seemingly a good one. But it’s nice to Google US Code to show you know what’s up. Even Warren and Carper aren’t saying ‘hell no, over my dead body...’ they are saying ‘get it on the books.’ Do I like this situation? FUCK NO. But it is what it is.

hear hear

This is a thought provoking comment. I’m curious how you would kind of compare/equate (can’t think of the right word) the level of outside influences changing her public persona against a lucid, self imposed strategy created and executed by Mrs. Clinton and her team? Obviously it can be a little of both, but which

Because she’s lost a Presidential primary and now a general?


what is this from?

thank you dude. the springsteen ‘glory days’ shit is like my favorite theme with which to make fun of my fellow white males from middle america.

Also, I run an ocean paper company and I see you have a marine name. That’s cool.

You are giving off a strong vibe of a person who basically got fairly innocently called out for not understanding a joke and now you are doubling down and getting a bit defensive about it. You claim to know these writers really well, but idk.

Yeah I mean, gotta be honest, that was an impressively quick jump to ‘mansplaining’ after just not getting the sarcasm.

Yowzers, you got all that from what I typed above? I am not *shocked* about anything. I was having a little poke at The Noble Renard, and we cleared that up in some comments back and forth to one another. This is tongue-in-cheek Friday, I just learned. Also, I give women triples.

Oh nice, tongue in cheek. I can humblebrag now. I always inquire the ladies I’m with if they want to ‘go for the triple.’

Or you could say, “men humblebragging talking about how much they make their ladies orgasm and expressing disbelief that other men don’t” seems to be pretty on topic for this article. But that’s just me. I see your edited number count going up, but I can’t seem to find anything non-trolly that’s too egregious.

It’s so easy to say “developing world” instead of “third world.” Not even on some PC level, it’s just old and doesn’t really reflect what it purports to reflect any more.

Just hit the showers on this one. Really.

It took me a few years to get on board with what high fashion does for culture and all that, I used to be such a hater. So, I am kind of reformed, I think I ‘get’ the value in it. But what the fuck is this?

I never thought I could be more mystified at how many people truly bought into the Berniebro thing, until now... because they are still fucking talking about Berniebros as if it had any effect at all. Jesus.