I was thinking it might be a drainage issue, but this sounds much more viable.
I was thinking it might be a drainage issue, but this sounds much more viable.
London police caution that the investigation into the shooting is still in the early stages but added that...
People need to stop using bullying and mental illness as excuses for being racist trash.
And a whole-ass college took the tears of people bitching about things they haven’t read an honest word about and used that to justify not giving tenure to a VERY well-qualified candidate whose list of qualifications the whole board didn’t even get to see?!?
If your first reaction as a cop to someone likely consuming any amount of drugs is to start physically abusing them in any way, you should never be allowed a security guard job, let alone anything remotely close to public safety.
“President of Nintendo’s favorite son here, I can tell you that my dad, you may know him, he’s a plumber named Mario Nintendo...”
I don’t know anything for sure, but I do have to say that it’s weird that someone who was “born and raised” in West London not only uses an extremely American phrase like “gunned down”, when there are FAR fewer guns over there than here, but they also spelled ‘neighborhood’ the way we do in the US.
Bigots of all kinds are just NEVER funny.
Yeah, I think if your name is involved in any sort of thing that could be described as an actual ‘PR nightmare’, you really have no damn right to sue a company for quickly walking all the way away from you.
I don’t wanna assume anything, but that might have more to do with whatever else you look up using that browser.
Aww, they think I’m tiresome! They REALLY think I’m tiresome!!!
Aww, I’ve really touched on some small, SMALL nerves with this one!
Weird how the big A only puts cameras covering every square inch of their property once there are employees onsite to ‘Big Brother’ to death.
Shut the fuck up, you absolute shit smear.
I don’t give half a shit who you agree with, you don’t tell me “No” like you get to decide whether or not my opinion is right.
Why do trolls seem to think only ‘the left’ cares about being decent to everyone?
Why do trolls seem to think only ‘the left’ cares about being decent to everyone?
“I understand the gravity of my words and have learned from this.”
The fact that you don’t see the problem shows your privilege.
I don’t know how to explain something simple to someone who is either willfully ignorant or just too fucking stupid and arrogant to realize there might be something they don’t know, so I just deleted this asshole’s last comment.