It’s great that they have a league going, but they might need a bit of legal guidance.
It’s great that they have a league going, but they might need a bit of legal guidance.
I can’t wait for all the BLM haters to come here in droves to cheer this woman being locked up, considering how thoroughly worried they are about properties damaged by people...
You missed the entire point, thanks for looking like a troll.
I won’t drag out a whole conversation on this, so I’ll just say:
And even though there are laws allowing this sort of insane brutality, are there any laws preventing would-be victims of a licensed murderer from defending themselves?
That’s where I was going until I realized that while they produce nothing potable, and everything about them likely tastes like 50 year-old carpeting removed from a ‘Smoking’ motel room at best, their tears are nothing they would ever want to produce, and the experience of imbibing them is likely like feeding directly…
No it won’t; it’s already happened.
Hell, just wait for the next time a big college (or pro) sports team either wins or loses.
They’re probably loving the free advertising to all the local rich racists.
It makes sense. I mean, the right has been ruining things and then bitching about the new Dem president for decades (after leaving messes that even the best president would struggle to fix), and they’ve shown that mid-to-high six-figure deaths mean nothing to them, so now it’ll be “There was a bloodbath, and yes,…
His idiot supporters either don’t know or don’t care that he wouldn’t even touch them for $1,000 each.
Better than Dave Barry!!!
If there’s nothing wrong with you, a formerly 18 year-old man, marrying (and impregnating and divorcing) a 14 year-old child, then what could possibly be so “dirty” about researching and reporting on the story?
And it does NOT look good...
It’s so messed up that because a “normal” doctor (or person, for that matter) can’t understand a “different” child, they throw all these “can’t”s at them, instead of just trying to understand even the tiniest bit of what a child may need.
This seems like a great and much-needed idea for a book!
They have no problem when prominent “back the blue” conservatives are waving around “blue lives matter” flags...
Thanks for the heads-up. Must’ve gotten lost in the recent Kinja comments mess.
Any organization that wasn’t just lying to cover themselves might feel some need to publicly denounce the horrific, inhumane actions of people we all have gotten together to give certain powers that allow for privileges that should be taken so heavily that they should be at the highest tiers of public trust.
I think it was Vegas that implemented a simple rule: Any cop who has chased a suspect is not allowed to arrest that suspect.