
“...when they returned home he told them what he had done. The following morning his parents contacted police.”

Good for you. The incidents I’m talking about occurred almost 30 years ago, but every time I see one of these stories, it brings back those memories. Even before the age of smartphones, bullying could be seriously traumatic, and I have such respect and admiration for my parents for fighting the battles I could not, at

My younger brother (13 years younger) was getting bullied in 3rd grade, the administration did nothing about the little shit or his 2 cousins who were doing the bullying too. After about 2 weeks I was fed up. I went over there and had a little chat (read: expletive filled rant, filled with very direct threats) with

Would you be willing to go to jail to protect your kid? I would to protect mine.

Yeah, maybe, on the other hand, sometimes people are just assholes and need to be dealt with accordingly, child or adult. I’m glad my mom did it, not only did that kid stop tormenting me (I was a pretty quiet, well-behaved, good mannered child), but it also made me feel more confident and secure, knowing that my

I have no problem going to school and catching a charge for my granddaughter if she is being bullied and true school does nothing.

My husband did exactly that after 5 or 6 incidents with my daughter and the school doing nothing. They were taking her things, she would come home crying. She is mildly autistic, and we had had enough so when he went to pick her up he confronted the kids and demanded they give him her $hit!!! The kids were

Nah, you can though. As I said, my mother did exactly that when I was in first grade and being relentlessly bullied by a kid, and god bless her for it; that fucker never laid a hand on me again. The kid’s mom was a lawyer too, my mother gave zero fucks—her children’s safety was paramount. Today, I am a lawyer, and if

This is heartbreaking.

Just becuase it didn’t take place during school hours doesn’t make the school district less responsible for not teaching the other students to behave like decent humans.

This is really disgusting. This is really disgusting. That’s all I could think as I read each sentence in the article. He tried to humiliate the first woman who came out, tried to get Terry Crews to keep quite, and then piled on all of his yoga, mindfulness, “I’m more centered than you” bull and you arrive at this

If you understand that rape is a power thing, it might help to unpack that a little. People don’t rape because they’re not getting laid (hence the whole ‘rape is a power thing, not a sex thing’ thing). They rape because they have a need to exercise power. Consensual sex doesn’t satisfy that need to exercise power, not

Uuhm Thats your takeaway ??

All I can say is WOW. That’s far to vivid a memory to be easily written off as a lie...and the fact that he says her memories are “different” than his...made me sick to my stomach. SO basically, these men get into positions of power and can’t fathom the idea of being told “no” so these situations never seem like an

I believe her.

I got into the car with you. The driver began to drive. I assumed you knew where I lived, because you had sent me 250 balloons, but I gave the driver my address on 19th Street and 2nd Avenue.

Hope this ends better than Philly’s “Free Mumia” campaign.

Oh and her “I didn’t correctly word my reply” is garbage.

This proves what I always thought. Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing. If you are unsure of something then ask. Don’t just jump off the high dive and don’t know how to swim. She should have talked to Aly privately about it before posting anything. I’m tired of having excuses for people’s behavior. She

I don’t have a problem with this personally, but...