Even if they took the cake, that level of force is waaaayyyyyy over the top for just a damn cake, especially with elderly people. They need to be fired because they are “killing an unarmed person” waiting to happen. Lawyer up and sue those cops .
Even if they took the cake, that level of force is waaaayyyyyy over the top for just a damn cake, especially with elderly people. They need to be fired because they are “killing an unarmed person” waiting to happen. Lawyer up and sue those cops .
Anyway, as soon as the deputies pulled the handcuffs out, things escalated into a
disturbingfamiliar chain of events.
I suppose that it could have been worse? The cemetery could have placed an old casket in there in the hopes that nobody would notice it wasn’t the original and not said anything.
People seem to assume that being with your birth mother is always best. It isn’t. There is no degree or qualifications needed to be a mom. Just get knocked up and deliver it.
This child has been with his mother all his life, during which he has moved from making open threats to set people on fire to trying to kill them by getting a gun and making a solid attempt - an attempt that was practically predicted by the fact he was to have constant parental supervision while at school - a…
“I want him and the world to know that he is the one who is my true legacy,”
Are you fully grasping that Diana Ross was also involved in this when she knew Smokey’s wife? Shouldn’t you at least say “naughty-naughty” to her?? Or did she not know that’s a rude thing to do to another woman?
Of course he knew. One of the reasons why Smokey never really cared of Michael.
Everyone knew Diana was in the streets for hits and this is really, really, really old news.
So Michael knew about this treachery the whole time. Lol
lol.. very good!!
Dirty Diana....
First of all, Robinson didn’t bring Diana Ross to Motown, Florence Ballard and Mary Wilson founded the group and THEY asked Diana Ross to join the group and she did. And we all know what happened with her betrayal of them by sleeping with Berry Gordy. And if Smokey Robinson thinks this is a flex and makes him look…
Please don’t tell Tracy.
What in the actual fuck?
I encourage Ro to throw his friend Mark out the window instead.
The next senatorial candidate from Georgia.
Let’s play “excuses for why he filmed this” Bingo!
When is she ever not “fighting” with someone?