I do, too! I’m really surprised that no other network stepped up to give him an opportunity.
I do, too! I’m really surprised that no other network stepped up to give him an opportunity.
It’s self-serving bullshit like this that gives angry, ignorant, middle aged white guys the impetus to claim he “used the race card.” It’s sad when there are so many real injustices out there that someone would co-opt race relations for their own justifications.
Oh, I miss Larry. I mean, he has a podcast, but it’s not the same.
Never forget
Very disappointed that there’s no mention of Mary Jenkins. She’ll always be a top 10 to me.
I’ve gotta knock Florida down a couple of notches for the whole Black Jesus thing and not letting James go work on the pipeline up in Alaska. James would still be alive if he had taken that job!
It has to be Florida Evans. She was and still is reality to many of us. She is the mother that most of us know not Claire Huxtable.
fabulous list, and while i totally get the omission of elizabeth sanford, you have to wonder what sort of saint she must have been to have produced someone like lamont, considering what his daddy was like.
You forgot the pioneer role model for black mothers on TV. Julia Baker was a widowed (her husband died in Vietnam) single mother. She held a job as a nurse and worked hard to support her son and provide him a loving home and environment. She should be Number one on every list.
God - every time I have to hear about wealthy people who “worked hard” I just want to go SO THE FUCK WHAT. WE ALL WORK HARD YOU ASSHOLE!
Ivanka needs to keep Toni Morrison out of her mouth. Ivanka is too simple for that type of reading. She needs to start from the beginning. Try someone easier to understand, like this.
Otto: Don’t call me stupid.
“returning calls, answering e-mails and attending meetings” is kind of what normal people call “having a job” Ivanka. I guess it must be tough for you when you have to schedule frequent daddy and hubby ego suckling sessions in, though. ETA I’m still hung up on those teeth, too. From different angles they make her…
May I recommend the beef tartare to start? Its very high in irony. Good for the blue bloods.
Trump’s main skill that she’s exerted her whole life is picking her parents, and now she proves she has the intellect of Big Goldfish himself--”shock”.
I’m sure Melania Trump is furiously taking notes.
I guess the bar has been lowered....I’m actually giving her points for quoting Morrison and not flat out stealing quotes like some many others associated with this administration.
Yes, I’ll have the entitlement, please, with some cluelessness on the side. Oh, and a glass of white privilege.
I am shocked a Trump would lift something without permission and re purpose it for their own financial benefit!