
Yes, but did she do those fittings as part of the company or because the Queen was just too boobalicious to let go?

Now playing

I starred you and that makes 3 of us that gets this episode.

I find McGowan’s work with and support of convicted child molester Victor Salva problematic given her current crusade against complicity:

He’s just a guy, sitting next to a girl, trying to get through a flight, as best as he can.

Also, it’s not a remake—it’s a continuation. Sandra Bullock is George Clooney’s character’s sister.

“Let’s make a modern adaptation of a 1960s heist film that was poorly received and replace Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin with the dude from ER and Jennifer Anniston’s beau.”

Yeah if you commit sexual assault all you could be is President, a director, a professional athlete, or anything else you want.

THeft is a crime, underage drinking is a crime, physical assault is a crime, vandalism is a crime. All of these things are also penalties in all student policies. People get thrown out or academic probation for stealing other people’s laptops or starting fights or defacing property regardless of whether they are

I’m pretty sure Taylor Swifts only eats individual fruit loops while she sips milk through a straw

This is Mickey Rourke and his friend, hairdresser-to-the-stars Giuseppe Franco, and they are actually not doing Zoolander cosplay. They’re just out and about.

Hey Angie, I’m not really understanding how this was taken out of context when we can read the entire interview...?

Since you like to read you should google the Rape of Nanking, and South Korean comfort women during WWII. The more you know...

But you don’t understand on this website Disney is inherently evil and must be despised and ridiculed... Pffffftttt

I’m not surprised. Disney has been really careful not to even whitewash their cartoons. The cast of Moanna was all Polynesian as was the writer. The Asian characters in Big Hero 6 were Asian actors. Even Coco is an all Hispanic cast. Meanwhile, Kubo and the Two Strings had white actors voicing all the main characters.

Melt a cup of butter and add 2 cups of a decent white wine. Soak a piece of cheesecloth that has been folded over to make a square large enough to cover the breast and the meaty part of the drumsticks in the wine and butter - squish out excess liquid but leave it pretty damp and drape the turkey - roast at 450 for 30

And acrobats are doing it for what? To save the whales?

Britney? Pipes? I love the woman but not sure what you mean.... ;)

Well, she’s been doing this shit for like 10+ years. I think she’s sufficiently knowledgeable about acrobatics to be okay.

Obviously, Kevin had mental health issues stemming from his incarceration. We need to do more to improve access to psychiatrists and social workers after prisoners are released.

Asking your colleague if you can masturbate in front of her isn’t “expressing sexual interest”, it is abuse. Fuck off with your verbose bullshit, you know exactly what’s going on here.