I like that she’s ‘nude’ but is wearing heels. Or are the robot’s feet heel-shaped??
I like that she’s ‘nude’ but is wearing heels. Or are the robot’s feet heel-shaped??
Wait, are you kidding?
See, but it’s acting. Which means it is pretend. He doesn’t have a baby with that woman in real life, but if those two people procreated, the kid would be biracial. See, it’s all pretend.
It reads like she’s been quietly bitter at beautiful women her entire life and has just been waiting for the opportunity to shoehorn a dressing-down just for them.
No, he was married to the DA from L&O SVU. I think he cheated with his assistant and with that lady who overprounounces her Italian words.
She has her eyes.
Wubbels didn’t “trade” on anything. Just look at the difference in how people reacted to Justine Damond versus Philando Castile.
An affair is NOT the same as sexual assault! One involved consenting adults the other does not involve consent at all!
If the President draws a salary, he’s an employee. And I’m sure any half decent lawyer would just make the argument that Prez is the employee of The People. I bet it’d stand up (if it ever did get to court) (which I’d sure like to see).
But there’s a difference between making a wedding cake for a couple of whom you disapprove and refusing to make a cake with an offensive sentiment. The first is, “I won’t make you a cake at all because it goes against my sincerely held religious beliefs,” and the second is, “I will make you a cake, but I will not make…
it’s not about what the baker was asked to bake/sell, it’s about who the baker was selling it to. There was nothing special about this cake, other then the customers happened to be gay. It was a cake just like hundreds of others the baker made previously and sold without issue.
Per the late and unlamented Steve Bannon, the real goal of this transgender ban is strictly political; he wants to use this as a wedge issue to force Democrats to take on the (in his view) politically toxic defense of transgender soldiers’ right to serve.
But they didn’t enter it lawfully. In most states, after a light changes green, the intersection has to be clear of traffic before it can be legally entered.
I blame the government. Who expects old white people in Florida to comprehend intersectionality?
This is like Amy’s Bakery the Sequel!
lol YAS. Three Men and Baby Oil.