
Service animals and emotional support animals (ESAs) are two different things. Service animals are trained to perform a specific task (or tasks). Emotional support animals (ESAs) do not have to be trained at all. They provide emotional support by just physically being there.

Yes. Service animals are trained to perform a specific task (or tasks). Emotional support animals (ESAs) do not have to be trained at all. They provide emotional support by just physically being there.

The photos all seem to show the E (I’m assuming that’s Eugenie’s coronet?). You can kinda see an entwined E and J on the left side of the mug.

They haven’t lost anything. They threw it away from years of bad behavior.

There’s a huge difference between having empathy for your friends, and saying

it’s sad she felt he was such a lost cause that he couldn’t even come to the wedding.

Cooga? (Cooper - Gaga)

So you’re making the argument that Jezebel is correct to characterize the apology as weak because many of the commenters on Kinja thought so too?

but the bf has a gambling problem

He’s dumb sure.

“when people on this very site”


I don’t know about the NYT, but I seem to remember Louis CK’s apology receiving mixed reviews, at best, on Jezebel. While some people did find his apology refreshing, many people also noticed that Louis CK made his apology all about himself.

Make a living? Forbes estimated his net worth at $52 million in 2017. He doesn’t need to make a living. He has enough money to support several lifetimes.

I mean, Amma admitted herself that she could get her friends to do whatever she wanted. Her friends could have easily done it to be popular and to remain in Amma’s good graces. Adora was the most powerful woman in Wind Gap, employing half the town. That also gives Amma immense power. Hell didn’t everyone shun Ashley

Does the book ever go into detail about Alan? I kinda wish the show revealed more about his motives. Was he aware of Adora’s poisoning the children? Was he in denial? A case of folie á deux perhaps? Him lying to Richard about Camille being off with her friends kinda hints that he was enabling Adora...

Agreed. It was pretty obvious from the beginning that Amma had issues. How quickly she got attached to Camille, how jealous she got, and how she would lash out at Camille. The major examples being the lollipop in Camille’s hair, and Calhoun Day, both times when she was paying more attention to Richard than Amma.

How is this not a hate crime?  He targeted women, specifically because he hates that they’re allowed to drive.  Also, why is he allowed bond at all when he’s a serial assaulter.

This is reminding me of the whole Cannes forcing women to wear high heels thing.  Why do men feel the need to police what women wear?  Who gives a shit if she’s wearing a catsuit?

It was more a comment on the pair having the more golden blonde “mane” of the Lannisters, rather than the silvery blonde of the Targaryens.