Christians indeed.
Aren’t you supposed to be 13 to have an instagram? I supposed since it’s “ran by mom,” it’s okay. Still gross though. The fact they’re sharing so many photos of their kid with the entire world is super creepy.
So totally fine with using federal funds to give schools literal killing machines, but trying to defunds Planned Parenthood’s health services because they’re associated with abortions. Cool.
I don’t understand why people have such a hardon and elevate them above just preserving the species.
And I also don’t see how she groomed him. She certainly knew him when he was young, and that does make it creepy and weird to me, but I don’t think the law should be “if you met someone when they were 7, you can’t sleep with them later”.
It’s wrong for a teacher to pursue a student or a boss a young employee - that’s a matter of being able to leverage power over someone. But merely being older doesn’t mean you have power over a person.
In November, Bennett’s attorney reportedly sent Richard Hofstetter, an attorney representing Argento, a notice of intent to sue, citing the trauma stemming from a “sexual battery” was so significant Bennett was struggling with his mental health and having difficulty working. In that notice, Bennett and his attorney…
Source? I showed my cards, where are yours?
I think she nodded her head towards the blood stain she found on the floor and cleaned up a few episodes back. She didn’t know where John Keene was, but she was able to give them the evidence they need to lock him up.
Iunno. Eating pre-washed, bagged lettuce actually increases the chances of food poisoning. Per Vox:
won’t be get out to see Pearl Jam as frequently.
Ivanka Trump knows things that would end the Trump administration overnight.
After watching the a commercial for it, my boyfriend said that it looks like “Empire, but for white people.” For those who’ve watched this show, is this accurate?
That Omarosa would take the phone into the situation room isn’t that surprising, since there have reports since January that everybody allegedly knew she recorded meetings all the time. It’s that everybody allegedly knew she recorded meetings all the time and still didn’t check her for a recording device.
I think I chalked all the tabloid coverage not so much to Brad and Jen divorcing (as I said, I didn’t hear much about the actual divorce itself), but more to the fact that Brangelina became a thing. At the time Brad was one of the hottest male movie stars, what with Troy and Ocean’s 12, and Angelina was one of the…
Will nannies help Richard Gere live long enough to see his child graduate? Walk down the aisle? Have grandchildren?
Brad’s second very contentious celebrity divorce.
The FBI and LA Department of Child and Family Services cleared him of any allegations of child abuse. And there was the leaked court order where the judge determined that the six children’s lack of relationship with their father would be harmful to them, and ordered Jolie to make the children available to Pitt. The…