
I thought it’s been reported that Thomas Markle faked his heart attack (for attention? to get out of the wedding? Who knows!). Maybe even being part of the wedding was a ploy the entire time.

Nope. Read the reason why they finally passed an age of consent at all, if you want to feel rage.

I believe it was in response to really disgusting cases of rape, where the perpetrators where not convicted despite the victims being children. Ugh.

Wikipedia says that he’s been with Gisele since 2006, so yeah, over 10 years. And before that he was with his baby mama, Bridget Moynahan.  If he did date Ivanka, it would have been before 2004.

Retail employees aren’t expected to, and shouldn’t be expected to, confront criminals. They are not law enforcement and aren’t trained. By confronting shoplifters they not only put themselves at risk of getting injured, they open the company to potential lawsuits. That’s why most companies have policies in place that

These people are grasping at straws.  Didn’t they try to get the conviction overturned a few months ago, because the prosecutor said he assaulted the woman behind a “dumpster,” when it was really a “garbage enclosure”?  🙄

It wasn’t even dry humping! He dragged her behind a dumpster and fingered her with such force she ended up with abrasions and bruising of her genitals. They’re saying it’s “outercourse,” which isn’t even a thing, because he was fully clothed while doing it.  So fucking maddening!

Geezus, right? $35/month?! HBO is only $15. And it has Game Of Thrones and Westworld. How the hell are they justifying that $35/month.

The deputy did not describe her actions that way per this article, he paraphrased the report that way.

The utility company could have, iunno, turned the electricity back on when the daughter called them begging for her mother’s life. Also, Daniel’s medical equipment was registered with the utility company as required by law. They knew she had a medical condition, and shut her electricity down anyway. I hope her family

Many states also have have laws protecting the elderly, disabled, families, or people with medical conditions from getting their utilities shut off. Many states also have additional laws preventing power shut off during cold weather.

Promoting breastfeeding =/= banning formula.  No one was calling to make formula unavailable to mother’s who need it or want it.  The resolution only wanted to protect families against misleading marketing claims.

You know what would help? If restaurants would stop automatically giving out utensils when people order take out. My boyfriend and I are lazy, and will often get take out to eat at home. We don’t need plastic knives/forks/spoons, etc, since we just end up using our own silverware. But even when we request no utensils

I listened to the 911 call; it was linked in the original article. The caller never described Bynum as “casing the neighborhood.” The police officer described her as “casing the neighborhood.”


I think it’s funny how someone who doesn’t wear underwear “to let the kitty breathe,” is also advocating sleeping with a tampon shoved up said kitty.

Totally agreed.  She was being HELLA salty in her original comment, and is now totally backtracking with the whole “personal preference,” “everyone is different,” “just providing an option” bullshit.

Way to totally ignore the point of my post. It doesn’t sound like she was driving slowly thru the neighborhood either. But Bynum was going around knocking on the front doors in a residential neighborhood, and then taking notes on her phone. The police officer even used the phrase “casing the neighborhood” to describe