
I have seen no evidence whatsoever that Ortega was overworked or underpaid. Marina Krim was a stay-at-home-mom, and hired Ortega as a part time nanny to lend a hand after she had her third child. It’s not like Ortega was stuck with 3 kids 8 hours a day.  Huffington Post said she made $18/hr, which is average for a

I would think most of these stores would just change the policy to banning gun sales to those 21 and younger in states that allow it.

1. She was a part-time nanny, so she was not working 40 hours a week.
2. Mrs. Krim was a stay at home mother, and was around most of the time. Ortega wasn’t raising the kids. She was there to lend a hand.

I enjoyed the Man From U.N.C.L.E! And that’d be cool if they make a more successful sequel. Give Henry Cavill something fun to do when he’s not mopey Superman.

I mean, look at Armie Hammer’s track record and how many chances he’s gotten. Before Call Me By Your Name, he didn’t really had any hits since the Social Network, where he played a pretty minor role(s).

In the US, the age of consent ranges from 16-18 years. The most common age is 16, which is a common age of consent in most other Western countries. I’m not saying I agree with it, but 39 states believe a 17 year old teenager can consent to sex with an adult.

Vox has a great interview with Tom and Lorenzo as to why actresses really can’t use the Oscars red carpet to protest.

That’s not why Disney bans adults from wearing costumes. They ban adults from wearing costumes because they don’t want people confusing random strangers with their castmembers. Would you want your kid to be taking photos with some rando in a Buzz Lightyear costume?

Just listened to the Flea renditioned. It wasn’t bad in parts! But he effed around with it too much. So a bass only rendition isn’t a terrible idea in theory, it was more an execution thing.


In his statement he said:

In his statement he said:

I’m pretty sure ESAs are not covered by ADA, so offices and businesses are no required to allow them (service animals, animals trained for a specific task, are covered though).

Last February Republican-controlled Congress passed and Trump signed a law revoking an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illness to buy a gun. This was at the NRA’s urging.

Aren’t there tons of things that we could argue are products of misogyny? Bras, high heels, makeup, girdles, etc. I don’t think we should be policing what women choose to wear. As long as its her choice and she isn’t being forced, who are we to judge.

Yeah, but that’s a warranty that you’re paying extra for, and you’re replacing something that has stopped working. That’s the purpose of a warranty.

Oh no! I didn’t realized they changed the policy. This sucks! I’m a VIB, and once a year I stock up on purchases during their VIB 20% off sale. Sometimes I don’t get to try the stuff I buy until months later. That sucks that if there’s a problem I can no longer return it. Ugh. Super lame!

Came here for this. Was not disappointed!

I was rolling my eyes hard when I heard they were bringing back Queer Eye, but I may now have to reconsider this.