
Holderness obviously ran into the vase. Women be clumsy like that.

Don’t forget the woman who returned a Christmas tree after New Years because it had died!

Costco used to have a super generous return policy where you could return anything for a full refund at any time. I remember reading online how people would buy electronics, and basically return them and buy an upgrade every year. Costco caught on though, and now electronics can’t be returned after 90 days.

The sense of entitlement pisses me off. Like the lady who returned a Christmas tree after New Year because it had died.

That’s not true. ESAs are not covered under the American Disabilities Act, however they are covered under the Air Carrier Access Act and the Fair Housing Act. So in general businesses are not required to allow ESA, but airplanes and housing rentals are.


Is that the dude from Gay of Thrones?

But Theanarchistsneedlogisticalsupport did misinterpret what It’s OK to be Catherine said. It’s OK says that “consent can be revoked at any point,” which is commonly understood to mean that if a person gives consent to one action, they can later revoke consent to continuing that action or deny consent to a related

Mo’nique is being super selective. Snatched came out in 2017, after Amy Schumer’s Netflix special came out. When Schumer got her Netflix deal, Trainwreck was her most recent movie and a critical hit making $110m domestically ($140m worldwide) with a budget of $35m. Almost Christmas also had a huge ensemble cast,

Yes! I was really hoping they’d go the American Horror Story route and keep the cast and similar themes, but different characters and story.

It’s not about better. It’s about marketability and bankability.

Well Amy Schumer, at the time she landed her Netflix special, was coming off her popular Comedy Central TV show and the movie Trainwreck, which was a surprise hit. Amy Schumer was everywhere and at her peak, which probably gave her a lot of negotiating power. I’m not sure Amy Schumer can command that kind of money now.

“Simple mistake”? People are “going in on” you because you jumped to conclusions and accused someone of racism. And then after Codename_Sailor and QueenVictoriasCorsetKatana explained what aprés meant you still doubled down and then accused QueenVictoria of dog-whistling. Not once but twice. Looking thru the thread I

This is super weird. I can maybe understand having a fundraiser party for friends and family. But begging friends and family for money is one thing, begging people you don’t know (i.e. your groomsmen’s colleagues) for money is an entirely different thing. And at least in your description of a traditional Stag and Doe,

Well Lark most likely died of AIDs complications since she had previously received hospital treatment for AIDS-related pneumonia. Tam had a heart condition and died of heart failure. Thaddeus died from a self-inflicted gun shot wound.

The sad thing is that it worked! How many people have trotted out “ugly custoday battle” bullshit? Tons of people have implied, if not straight up accused Mia of making this shit up for years.

Maybe there wasn’t “enthusiastic consent,” but there was consent, yes? At no point does she say she’s scared, afraid he’s going to hurt her, she’s afraid to leave, or anything along those lines.

Aziz Ansari is not a teenaged boy ignorant about the ways of women. He is a 34 year old man who has literally written a research book on modern love. Anyone who believes that he didn’t know that she was uncomfortable is kidding themselves.

He undressed her. He undressed himself. He grabbed a condom within minutes of their first kiss. He performed oral sex on her moments after she told him “Whoa, let’s relax for a sec.” She performed oral sex on him after he asked her to, and even then it wasn’t for long. He kept sticking his fingers in her throat. He

That’s not what happened. She did verbalize earlier her discomfort.