Well sure, I’d take TLJ by itself over all three prequels in a walk. It’s just... the ST going out on SUCH an incompetent nightmare clusterfuck dearth of ideas or vision has complicated matters on that a bit.
Well sure, I’d take TLJ by itself over all three prequels in a walk. It’s just... the ST going out on SUCH an incompetent nightmare clusterfuck dearth of ideas or vision has complicated matters on that a bit.
THE PHANTOM MENACE is not good, but also it’s the best of the prequels. It was shot on film, not everything looks like a digitized cartoon (even if a lot of it does), there’s a shitload of good miniature work and design, and of course, Duel of the Fates is one of Williams’ crowning achievements. Hell, Liam Neeson is…
A year ago I would’ve agreed with you. After THE RISE OF SKYWALKER... err... well, at least THE PHANTOM MENACE has some things individually I can point to and go “yknow that idea was sort of interesting”.
My kingdom for a STAR WARS comments section in here where the top comment isn’t someone whining about how The Film Twitter Hive Mind is trying to gaslight them into thinking THE LAST JEDI was good.
I knew there would be SOME retconning from the stuff we knew already (Palpatine, the mask repair, etc) but it’s downright appalling HOW MUCH it seeks to undo THE LAST JEDI, despite Rian giving JJ a direction where he could’ve taken it literally anywhere he wanted. It’s frankly kind of nauseating and it’s for NOTHING,…
I have no adequte words. It’s both an immense relief and a genuine pleasure to see that not only does Damon Lindelof actually seem to UNDERSTAND the original comic, but also that he’s not afraid to go deeper and poke the very foundations of the storytelling that the original comic was riffing on in the first place.…
The reveal that Wade has a second mask specifically for wearing at home might’ve been the best moment of this show thus far.
For my money, the problem with HOBBS & SHAW wasn’t that it was a dumbass cartoon, it’s that it was a badly directed, poorly edited, weirdly glib and self-satisfied dumb cartoon. It trades the earnest tone of the earlier entries in the series for glib snark about how badass its leads are, and it’s a weird look for this…
Glenn Fleshler pontificating about the American dream before whipping out two Uzis and firing wildly into the air MACGRUBER-style is my new religion.