Girl from Around the Way

It was probably just Abraham Setrakian hunting strigoi.

It was probably an artifact of cultural significance that we being smuggled from one location to another to avoid terrify or government restrictions on the export/import of such things.

Historical artifacts are not simply carried in luggage. You would pack them properly and have paperwork allowing you to remove them from their original location. They probably suspected he stole it.

It took me ten whole seconds to realize you weren't talking about the insect.

Maybe it's a Midwestern thing because I understood exactly what he meant, lol.

My guess is he said "minor" because he couldn't say "stupid."

I dunno, I think you're reading a big much into it. I mean we can all agree that burning down someone's house because someone rejected you is really really stupid. I mean, we can also agree burning someone's house down in general is stupid. I think it's nice that the officer is acknowledging how harmless and how

It's Kentucky-speak. There's a very weird way some men speak and you have to wrap you brain a bit. He's actually trying to say:

Kim Kardashian writes at a fourth grade level, according to Radar

There's a flight story that not all that many people have heard of: Fedex 705 in 1994. A disgruntled crew member tried to hijack it.

Doesn't she have, like, highly-paid agents who she should kick in the balls for letting her get shafted?

It's inevitable she will have to say something about it at one point, especially since she is doing interviews to promote the movie.

I don't blame her for not wanting to discuss it. She's a class act. And she and Bale carried that overrated movie.

Maybe we got different coverage in Canada, but I heard about her that same day and in the same story as the two cops.

Let's be honest. Comcast will be there between 8:00am and Memorial Day.

It is that, but with better character development than most. And Angel... but she is definitely this trope to a t. :)

Unless there is a scheduling conflict, at which point you'll need to wait approximately three more days.

Comcast will be there between 8:00am and 6:00pm.

I don't get this. I am a dude, and I would never think, "Oh hai, girlfriend will just dump her BF and make sexy fun time with me if I send her a pervy porn pic unsolicited." It's like, how do you think that can make her interested? And if it's done as a "joke," well, wouldn't you take two seconds to stop and think "I