
what does this have to do with the love of cars? get off your soap box and write something interesting.

ok. so if the wheels are chocked so that the plane does not move, can the plane still take off? what if the plane was tied to something with a release cable such that once it achieved lift off, the cable can be released?

the thing i noticed was there was absolutely no damage on that old truck when the bike ran into it. nothing like old american iron!

so you’re saying that alonso is a loser for staying in the game and trying to keep competing?

so how many world championships have you won? maybe once you do you can have an opinion about what a champion should or should not say.

so now you would have to have 4 or more standardized test routes and driving methods for each car? that makes no sense. I’m sure that people understand that the way they drive affects the mileage of the car. There is a standardized route that each car takes so that you can compare apples to apples. The companies

have we found car owners who are bigger assholes than bmw owners? look at how this tesla owner parks his car...in a completely empty parking lot. I wonder if tesla self parking parks like an ass...

how can you compare this to zipcar or car2go. cadillac escalade vs smartcar. hmm.. and smartcar is cheaper. no duhhhhh.

this is what happens when you don’t have apple in your universe

are those donuts...or drift circles?

what’s the chance that a human can sneak up on an actual wild tiger like that. There’s no chance any human can sneak up on a wild animal period I think. The only way is that the animal has no survival instinct.

100% vettel’s fault. kimi was within inches of the curb...yes, if max wasn’t there, perhaps he could turn in more, but vettel turned INTO kimi. if you’re passing on the outside, you better leave room for the guy on the inside.

seriously. your source of this incredibly insightful article is a left wing liberal blog?

wow. climbing is the easy part. standing at the top without holding on to anything. now that is scary. i don’t think i could stand at the top of a stool without holding on to something.

car owner (and you) should take that stick outta his(your) ass. this is the worst example of dealership hoonery ever...so called infractions...turn right on a red? left on a late yellow? u-turn? acceleration in a straight line to slightly above surrounding traffic speed? revving engine to maybe 3k? wow. send in the

And what is with the unnecessary profanity? It DID NOT add anything to the already nonsense post.

another idiotic post by kristen lee. Do they really pay you to write this shit?

such a fucking dumb post. go buy a kia

I want to see more of the S class.

submit an exploit that you find to the pentagon for $100...or keep bug to yourself, and sell it to the chinese for $100,000...