Why is there no cocaine?

There is a distinction between what these places are designed to be and what they are. You can coat them in all the rosy euphemisms you can think of but at some point you have to look at how they play out in reality. My arguments are not based on drudge report,or any other fill-in-the-blank scapegoat you may wish to

We're not talking about Adam Carolla, we're talking about safe spaces, and the sick mentality that they foster. Among the demands being made in relation to these magical oases of tolerance and inclusivity is the demand that they be segregated on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. etc. You can say that

Thanks, Mandaliet, for a thoughtful response. It's not something I've come to expect on this site (see Hoat the Goat).

Oh, the irony in that statement.

I'm sorry, was that supposed to be a refutation?

Well shit, I see I'm halfway down the comments and the party line is holding strong. The loyalty would be admirable if it wasn't for the fact that you're all defending some some pretty deplorable shit.

Again, what about those assaults strikes you as minor? Does the fact that the victims are white somehow mitigate the severity? And what large-scale assaults am I ignorant of?

Your backpedalling is disingenuous and unconvincing, Alex. Your opening paragraph goes out of its way to frame the premise of this show in the context of real-life, recent events. If your intention was to imply that you recognize the distinction between fantasy and reality, especially in regards to a subject matter

Erwin, it takes a special kind of moral depravity to equivocate and brush off a reality this overt and ostentatious. The cancer you're referring to is in fact evident in those videos. These are people who feel entitled and emboldened by the culture at large, populated by cheerleaders like yourself, to beat the shit

Dear Alex,

I'm with Peblo on this one. Soylent is like a low-rent Negan. He thinks he's amusing, but really it's kind of embarrasing to witness. Soylent, nobody gives a shit about your inane stray observations.

I wonder, is there some kind of contractual obligation at AV Club which requires that its writers never miss an opportunity to conspicuously display their progressive bona fides?

Nolte always had that angry drunk look. Just a beat away from pouncing and beating the shit out of me. That, and he looks a lot like my father.

I call my penis "Bobby Fischer". Not for the being-the-best-in-the-world part, but rather the here's-my-list-of-ridiculous-conditions-or-else-I-won't-come-out-to-play part.

So the twist is… he was a misogynist the whole time!

Speaking of Narcos, any idea when the reviews are coming up on here? I'm halfway through and enjoying the fuck out of it.

That hand-wringing is pretty obligatory on this site, and completely fucking nonsensical in this case. LaToya chooses to view the men-talking-about-women aspect as "problematic" in an of itself, completely divorced from the context.

Am I the only one who likes the s2 theme song? Why is it getting so much hate? It's certainly atmospheric, and the beat helps elevate Leonard Cohen's usually maudlin delivery into something more caustic. In fact, I'd say it's the one single aspect (regrettably) that seems like an improvement on s1.

The A.V. Club

Not to mention the sweet, sweet saliva. Incidentally, can anyone tell me if the donuts in question have been disposed of? And if not, where is the auction being held?