Why is it so hard to remember your burner password

Hannah, Parmageddon is way better than Cheddarmegeddon. It’s important to me that you know that.

This quote struck me. I’d like to be a reassuring voice that no, you are. This piece is evidence of it. Masterful, and thank you for writing.

Maybe throw them AT said fascists during said protest?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- I will never not click a gif or video of that punch. I still giggle every time.

They were beating the shit out of counter-protesters last night and the police weren’t doing shit.

Also if these protesters were black or native American, it wouldn’t be “clashes between protesters and counter-protesters” it would be “BLM protesters rioting”

Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?

I love cuddling. I’m a great cuddler! Cuddling is the best

Shower sex is the worst.

The last thing I want to do after sex is eat. What goes best after sex? A shower.

Yup. We in the military have an obligation to refuse orders that are “immoral, illegal, or unethical.” If Adm. Zukunft believes that the orders he is being given to discriminate against his service members violate that criteria then he can absolutely push back on them.

Trump is an empty, grease-stained McDonald’s bag borne aloft by a stray breeze. He cannot control his direction, and his current height is due to the vagaries of chance. I guess the point I’m driving at is, he is literal garbage and his garbage-ness is so fundamental to his being that I don’t think he can actually

“Her family is the United States Coast Guard. And I told Taylor, ‘I will not turn my back...”

I literally am ok with this. No men in any positions of authority for at least 25 years. Sorry bros, times up.

We need to ban all men until we figure out what’s going on

when i get cold sores on my tongue, i gargle warm,salty water

Transporting 100 ETOH patients would be a nightmare, logistically. Even if you put two per ambulance, that’s 50 separate runs. Factoring in the heat, a lot of them probably needed IV hydration, which means you need a medic and not “just” an EMT (note: I’m an EMT, don’t @ me. But at least in my state, we can’t start

When I look in the mirror, I am going to declare myself “well-loved.” #notjustforcats

I prefer “well loved.”

Congratulations to Mindy!