Why is it so hard to remember your burner password

“I’m not surprised that ***all production companies*** likely turned a blindeye to what appears to be systematic harassment and abuse as for years ...”


Legit. And the minute I heard terror, i sighed. Oh he was brown.

I agree. I think it’s the pellet gun and paintball gun, that makes it seem off. Somebody on fb immediately shouted: “let’s ban rental vans and pretend guns now for all you stupid snowflakes.” And it just seems off. Like something to distract from the indictment? Or road rage gone foul on Halloween?

I just want to love and hug you and your family and your Hindu, and Sikh, and Muslim family and the victims’ family. We love you and we are here for you.

Anyone else insanely livid that this already declared an act of terror when vegas never was?

Same. Me. Right now. All alone with my cat who is hardcore judging that I’m not sleeping.

Hahah!! Yes!

Yeah!! Three of those men were named after their father. But to be honest, almost every name was really unique (and not even a common name in their family) so that was interesting.

Haha! My current sexy times partner is a man with a woman’s name. But there is a nickname that can be more masculine with an -y at the end. One night I got tongue tried trying to call out his name in a fit of passion and just called out the -y nickname. We both just burst out laughing because it was so square and

Men going by their middle names!

Putin’s face in that is so impressively furiously composed. Or is that just me?

I think it had to more with the fact that the food and products were set dressing and therefore extremely expired, not kept at safe temp, exposed to chemicals, and a lot of fake stuff.

A friend worked on the production. The food and products were both extremely expired (originally obtained in a discounted fashion because they were NG with specifications not to consume/use) and compromised- sprayed with dulling spray and had been fumigated/exposed to rat and roach poison.

Ruining perfectly made beds is my favorite thing.

More important (to me) is how her hair covers her nips just so perfectly. I’m not jealous at that I have been trying to do that for years but no matter how much longer my hair gets, my boobs sag faster. And longer and lower. I’m not jealous at all.

I appreciate this series ONLY because when I finally screamed “wht the hell doesn’t she button her freaking pants!!!” loud enough to wake my cat and elicit her “why you disturb me for stupid reasons HUUUman” mew, I scrolled down to see her button her jeans and I felt so much smug pride satisfaction. And then major

It is ridiculous. It is also not surprising. While Hollywood was making money making movies about the changing norms, it was not changing the norms while making the movies. Wage inequality, lack of minorities, incredibly sexist environments were the norm- the unchallenged ans unregulated basis for creation.

This film and tv industry has been a bubble of Mad Men era behavior long past the mad men era.

I totally buy that sad excuse.