Why is it so hard to remember your burner password

This kid is so great he actually made me not mind watching a Jimmy Fallon clip.

He really does remind me of his dad. I still remember the day I got completely sold on the Crocodile Hunter. Up until then I had enjoyed his show but always taken it with a grain of salt, thought he was just doing a character, etc. Then one

Heh. Even my parents, who are lifelong, nightly viewers, eventually got tired of it. Last time I talked to my mom, she asked my if I’d ever seen Stephen Colbert’s show, because she found him very smart and charming and thought I might enjoy him too.

Seersucker is the perfect outift to wear to kill a mockingbird:

Spice Girls Ranked:

I love a royal beef.

I know, early voting yada yada, but this country and its voters just fill me with despair and disgust.

Stevie can see just fine

don’t you mean “Lord of the Flyes”?

I genuinely feel bad for the musicians, vendors, carpenters, and other service providers who have been burned by these fuckers. Making your living is hard enough without having to chase fraudsters who take your time and labor and fail to pay, let alone getting your equipment stuck in customs for debts that are not

Fair point.

Meh this is a school that covered up the rape of a student leading to her suicide because they needed him for football. Pence isn’t far off what the school actually believes.

Well, they probably did get a degree out of it as well.

Yep. One sex partner is all I need/want. I’ve got television to watch.

She’s the best and the reason I got hooked on that show. The doctor husband is pretty funny too.

Zoe Lister-Jones is the only reason I watch Life In Pieces. It’s a very basic sitcom, but she plays Colin Hanks wife as a full grown Daria Morgendorffer and it’s super entertaining to watch. Therefore, I’m predicting Band Aid will be a very funny movie.

I have no love for Comey but trump firing the head of the FBI while being investigated by the FBI is very troubling. I believe the last president who did this was Nixon so...

This isn’t to excuse Eyre Festival, but if you are willing to fly somewhere and pay over 1k to see a music festival headlined by Blink 182 I just am never going to feel sorry for you.

The most heartbreaking part about this whole saga is that it may have forced a mediocre white tech dude to admit that he can’t do everything. I mean, can you imagine the pathos of that moment, when he realized that his misguided bravado and the penis swinging between his legs just weren’t enough anymore?

still boggles my mind that this puritanical country gets so upset at nudity and language but has no issue with extreme and pointless violence. Guess 3 Generations should have added a murder scene to secure the PG-13 rating.

Remember, no matter how nuts you are for her, if she likes someone else, it’s irrelephant.