
agreed. “I have no idea where I’m heading with this” is not something an unhinged Coachbot would say

I just don’t understand the point of cinematic trailers at all. I’m going to be playing the game. If you want to market it to me, show me how it plays. To be clear, I’m not against cutscenes, but I don’t they’re good marketing tools for an interactive medium.

Kershaw in the World Series or me in therapy?

Meh. Africa’s a giant shithole that hasn’t been on the leading edge of anything since the old Egyptian dynasties; I’m super glad her family escaped and made it west so she could write. Her books are great! I’d love for her vision of Afrofuturism to come true because for that continent, pretty much anything would be an

I wish you all could see this for what it’s really about. The longer you keep Luck on IR, the more pain pills the Colts will justifiably be able to order. We need the NFL to step up and take inventory of what the Colts have. Lot# by Lot# they need to go through the receiving slips and record exactly when each pill was

It’s not about being Jewish or not, blacks see you as either black or not black. White is subjective and depends on the subject, person and person placing you in a category. If a black person compares a native Swede to a native Brazilian, the Swede is white, the Brazilian is not. If you put a Haitian next to a

western scifi themes of xenophobia or fear of alien invasions,

She’s free to diss classic science fiction because it’s too “white” for her - we’re just as free to ignore black nationalists masquerading as science fiction writers. See how identity politics destroy all sense of community and fraternity? We really need to give it up and focus on our commonalities instead of trying

what has been considered classic science fiction—which, according to Okorafor, has meant “western-rooted science fiction, which is mostly white and male.”

ahahaha that’s patently ridiculous. When was the last time a ‘black’ ‘female’ or ‘elderly’ kicked the back of your seat on a flight for 2 hours or squealed at the top of their lungs while you were trying to eat in a nice restaurant or ran around said restaurant like a fucking lunatic or or or or or....

Your statement is what is called a fallacy of false equivalency. You simply cannot compare these groups, either in a cultural or legal sense.

Ummm, not wanting to be around kids is in ZERO way the same as not wanting to be around POC. Kids and adults are literally, biologically, physiologically, psychologically, different. That is an obvious fact.

I’m giving you a star because you’ve reached peak Jezebel comment section ridiculousness.

Who would do that? They think they sailed to fucking Epcot or something?

From the horse's mouth:

I can't comment on trends at the Hugo Awards, as, really, a SF writing popularity contest is nowhere near my sphere of interests, but your value judgment regarding their argument sounds similar to what they are claiming. You maintain that a certain aspect of SF/F is truly valuable and representative, they seem to

I guess the difference comes down to this: They're within the rules of the *nomination* system, and using *that* system to make a point, but in doing so are undermining the remainder of the event.

If someone wants to make noise, and they're doing it within the rules of the system, I don't really have a problem with it. My current SF reading list contains only one book written in the past decade, with the rest all being written before the end of the Cold War, so if a bunch of people want to play around and argue

It seems like you're disagreeing with me because you disagree with their agenda, in any case, who said anything about clever? The whole point of gaming the system is manipulating the rules in order to reach a desired outcome, they got it. They already seem to hold the Hugos in low regard, so any damage to the awards

Thing is, I've looked over the list of nominees, and the selection seems fine. Looks like a decent mix of popular popcorn items, with some more literary pieces mixed in here and there.