
LOL, google street view will soon need age verification eh? :)

I wonder how many kids/teens today don't even know what a switch is. This guy is still messed up in the head if all of that is true, but I agree with you to a point. Switches and belts were used by my parents/grandparents, but can't say they ever used a stick. Teachers/principles used to use rulers and paddles

I wonder how fast they went for that trip. I can't imagine going flying across that bridge out in the open like that. Of course, I have problems with heights.

And as a few people said Kik messenger is available on Windows Phone, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. With Mango, the push notifications for Kik work like a charm, and it's 1000x more useful than IM+ because it actually works. It's also free on every OS, allows group chat, and you can attach pictures. Facebook and

Me too! With Slacker I customized a station to the point that I have music from 2 or 3 different genres playing on the same station, and it's all my favorite bands rather than 90% bands I've never heard of (which is what always seems to happen anytime I use Pandora). My wife loves 80's music, so she has her own

I am so out of the loop, I had no idea that was a meme...let alone the fact that it is 2 years old. I can imagine Yoda talking like that, if he was on something.

Is that you Mike?

Actually, in the last year that I had a Blackberry I remember several times that their services would go down for hours, sometimes half of a day. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't affect e-mail, browsing, and BBM.

If they had just allowed the two sites to be linked behind the scenes so you could search/manage your queues for both from either one or the other, it wouldn't have been such a big deal. But since that wasn't how it was going to work, I am glad they did away with Qwikster. If they still add video games to their

Makes me want to spend thousands of dollars on camera equipment (that I wouldn't know how to use). I would love to be able to look up and see a sky that looked like that. Most of the time where I live, there is too much light pollution and/or clouds.

I have never owned an Apple product, but over the last couple of years I have become more and more impressed with them when I saw others using them and actually spent time using the iPhone 4 and iPad. The user interface is so well done, they are a joy to use. With them, Steve raised the bar, and everyone had to

So true. Netflix works on my phone, PS3, Xbox, laptop, and desktop. Blockbuster works on...my laptop and desktop.

Ahhh, I thought it was possible someone may not have heard of them, haha.

And she's wearing a sweater jacket... must not be too hot.

Yeah, if I had all those movie channels, I'd feel the same way. Comcast charged too much for them so I dropped all of our movie channels in favor of Netflix...then Netflix raised their prices a few times, and now are splitting the service into two companies... My wife doesn't want to give up the DVD component

Same here. I actually have blocked texts though, I would prefer email or IM but that wasn't an option in this poll. If someone can't email or IM, I don't mind taking a call...

Isn't that the name of one of the Twilight movies? I could be wrong.

Any idea what kind of streaming Blockbuster offers? From what I can tell, it looks like Comcast's On Demand (it's even called the same thing) in that you pay for each rental rather than being included in your subscription.

No problem. Maybe wait until the first round of next gen Windows Phones comes out and see if O2 picks up any of them. If not, then I'd go with whatever you feel is the best bang for your buck. If they carried the HD7, surely they'll get the Titan or something.