
This actually bothers me more than the price increase. Let's raise the price, and break up the components of our service to make them a hassle to use.

Wait for a 2nd Gen device. There's nothing "wrong" with the first gen devices like the HD7, but why tie yourself to something with aging hardware with a contract. Get the latest and greatest here in a month or so and you'll be glad you waited. The 2nd Gen devices will have forward facing cameras (and with skype

Call your carrier and have them put a block on SMS on your line(s). That's what I did with AT&T and I've not received a single text message since on either of my phone lines. No silly nickle and dime charges here and there for every accidental unsolicited text message I receive. I have never had a text messaging

I got choked up listening to these recordings. Knowing that the some of the people we hear (like Betty) are gone, along with the thousands of others who lost their lives that day...it hit me harder than I thought it would. I remember my Mom calling me that morning telling me to turn on my TV, saying that a plane had

Please tell me where I can get these. I might only wear them around the house and on Halloween, but I'd love to own a pair.

Let's install internet connected cameras in our bathrooms, sounds like a good idea to me!

"I donna suppose you could speed things up?"

I hear you. I used to stand 8 hours per day on a concrete floor. Never again, my feet thank me for getting a desk job.

I already disliked LavaSoft for directing you to Download.com to download their own software (AdAware), but now that Download.com is doing this, I will not be using either of their services in the future. I already dumped Adaware on my main PC because it was getting to be a nuisance with its constant popups in the

I just went down to the local AT&T store and tried them out side by side vs the Atrix and the iPhone 4 (this was 5+ months ago). The Atrix felt less responsive, and the iPhone UI didn't appeal to me as much as the Windows Phone. Also, I wanted to be able to take my battery out and have the option to carry a spare.

Yeah, this would go along nicely with the big stainless steel trough at the Football Stadiums.

Hmm, I didn't realize that they made those. Though, for $2 more than the adapter I could just buy the wired controller and not have to worry about batteries/charging, and I get an extra controller out of the deal... Actually, I may just do that, when my nephews come over we're always a controller short.

My problem with Google+ is, what do I need another Social Network for? I don't "need" twitter, even though I have an account...I have logged into it maybe 5 or 10 times. I have a "LinkedIn" but I mainly use it for an online resume / "Work Facebook", and I log into it about once a month at most. Facebook is where I

At least a wired 360 controller has an advantage over the wireless version: The ability to use it with a PC.

I experienced something similar to this with Netflix between my Windows Phone and my PS3. I was watching a show on my phone while I was doing some stuff downstairs, then went upstairs and turned on the PS3, went to the Netflix app and stopped the show on my phone, picking up right where I left off on the big screen,

Needs some some monster truck tires.

I must be unusual. I have 18000 emails in my inbox but only 2 drafts, and both were completely blank. Apparently if I start something, I usually finish it. =0

That's horse crap. They lied to her. AT&T tried to do the same thing to me and pulled my unlimited data plan when I upgraded from my Blackberry to a Windows Phone, but I escalated until I spoke with someone who could fix it. It took 24 hours for it to get taken care of by the right people, but they finally did it.

If you are a US Cellular customer you get free incoming texts and calls. But AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint charge you for them as far as I know.

As long as there's no electricity being supplied to it while it is submerged, it would be fine I think. Just let it dry for a few days before you try and use it.