
That is wild.

I agree. When I used a Blackberry I tried both, and always kept coming back to Slacker. Pandora was bad about suggesting music that really didn't fit what I was looking for and Slacker allowed me to customize my song list. Now that I have a Windows Phone, Slacker is my only option for now, but I prefer it that way

I've never cared for seafood, even Lobster. Some chocolate pancakes from the Pancake Pantry [www.pancakepantry.com] would be about the best breakfast I would think of.


I hope you are joking. I can't imagine living in a house where this was acceptable.

@timgray: How is that even possible? Doesn't their 2 year contract just end 2 years from when they buy a new phone? That's how my contracts work with AT&T.

Yay, my home town made Gizmodo!

I actually just replaced my Bold 9000 with an LG Quantum. It has a nice slide out keyboard and capacitive touchscreen, browsing the internet on it is actually a pleasant experience. If my wife wasn't using my BB for streaming slacker around the house I would offer to sell it to you. That thing is one tough phone,

Thankfully that little girl is in much better hands now.

Unless they are saying that he wishes he "would have bought it", it being the farm? That doesn't make much more sense though.

I guess if you are just counting the area of the screen in pixels, qHD is accurate, but most people wouldn't think to use Pythagoreans theorem to find the diagonal measurement (which as you said is half of 1920x1080's diagonal). But most people wouldn't argue with you if you said that a 10" display is half the size

@vinod1978: I agree. Before Motorola started putting out phones with Android on them, all I heard was how they weren't going to be around much longer. Now a few years have passed, and they have some of the most popular phones on the "biggest" carrier and are about to release what could be the best android phone yet.

@robot-shmobot: I was just about to post the same thing! My son has the Monster Jam lego kits and their helmet visors pop off if you look at them funny. Last night I was putting together a fire truck set with him and a visor came with the oxygen mask in the set. My son was sure that somehow one of the Monster truck

@rjp is Vincent Van GoToTheBox: Agreed, it's bad enough when you have to remove covers when working under the hood, please don't add covers under the car as well.

@Jackstick: You are correct, and if you are crazy, then I am too :)

@dapper_otter: Yep, I don't think I'll be switching anytime soon!

@AxelFonze: Not to mention the headache that will arise from swapping drives with activated Windows installs to different hardware. Unless Windows licenses have changed in the last few years, you'll have Windows wanting you to call Microsoft 2x for every swap you perform.

@HiAperture: I can't make it out of a Taco Bell without having to make a run for the border...(a.k.a toilet).

I got a kick out of "Site attacks and harrassing email from our clients competitors are tracked by emailrevealer.com and litigated." at the bottom of his site. I guess he has a lot of angry clients for some reason? :)

@DrOctogonycologist & @sstephens93: Now we're talking! Should we start working on a prototype? Haha.