
The question is: Is it a Triumph? And does it utilize the vacuum of space?

My brother got a thumbs up from this driver because the hood on his Jeep flew open and he closed it just by slamming the brakes. And his Jeep is a 1999 Cherokee

Reliable car number one:

If there isnt any shells, Patrick, I’m not going.

Oh adjust the timing or the carburetor mixture

Compression needs to be around 13.5 or 14.0 but once it goes to 20.0, the engine seizes and you blow a hole in the block

What is your compression/choke knob say?

Me might be driving nothing really because we all might be DEAD and/or in CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

Is the timing right? Could it be the belt tightness? Or maybe you didn’t tighten some of the cables/pipes? I feel like the battery isn’t charged. Just look around and you’ll find the problem.

And probably with less rust

I feel like saving up some money to buy an actual Datsun Cherry and just change all the badges to SATSUMA.

A little off topic, but who has heard of My Summer Car?

It is taking a bath

Do you like my parrot, Jason?

This is the damage to her Grand Cherokee

She’s fine, but now she has one less, or a lot less, excuses for my dad to get a new bumper 

My mom hit a deer this morning

All we need now is a 90mph delivery ambulance that picks up your wife, either driving or stopped, and delivers the baby either at hospital or driving

My mom had a large coffee on the roof of her car and it didn’t tip over until she got home and knocked it off by slamming the door🤔

Condoms prevent minivans