
This is the dumbest things I’ve read in a long time. Only bad people believe bad behavior only occurs to those who engage in it, rather than also to those they screw with.

How is it “territorial” to expect someone to be monogamous if that’s what you’ve agreed upon?

I very clearly responded to things you actually said. You not liking how someone feels about what you wrote isn’t the same thing as them not understanding it, so no, unless you’re confused about what “ironic” means, too.

It’s almost like I wasn’t talking about her! Not surprised someone who wishes they could punch women is jumping on the chance to use a woman’s actions to justify his desires, though.

You certainly seem to want to!

There are a ton of MRA types in the thread, though. Whining about how it’s so unfair that it’s not OK for men to hit women. Asking if they have permission to hit their wives.

A lotta dudes in this thread desperate to hit their partners, it seems...

You don’t have to think either is right to acknowledge why/how they’re treated differently in society.

If you know you’d react this way, presumably you’d take it upon yourself not to choose to find out on an airplane.

If you are on a plane and other people can hear you talking through headphones turned to a considerate volume, you’re doing it wrong already. Fighting? You should be banned from air travel for the rest of your life.

This particular woman IS weak-willed, though. Or at least an inconsiderate jerk.

Not becoming so outraged and violent that you derail the travel plans of hundreds of equally important human beings isn’t “superhuman emotional control.” If you think you’re in danger of discovering infidelity or flipping out if you do, you have an obligation to exercise the restraint necessary to wait until you’re

You’re confusing “I’m being told I can’t!” with “others are expressing that they won’t trust/like me if I do.” It’s a classic “freedom to do/say what you want doesn’t actually mean others can’t judge or reject you for it” scenario.

What statement did I make about men disliking male feminists? I think you’re lost. And I assure you—men make sure we know how they act in male spaces, because we’re the ones they act out the stuff they talk about on. We know patronizing and attempts to escape blame when we see them.

Oh, I’m not in denial that many of them are like that. I just happen to not care that they’d prefer not to do better. “The way things are” isn’t immutable or an accident, and I don’t let people off the hook for sucking, or for surrounding themselves with people who suck.

I think if you’re surrounded by ones who aren’t, you should be concerned about your circle.

Will you keep misinterpreting the informed opinions of those you claim to support as efforts to ~oppress~ you?

So...everyone-friendly, just not women who have been assaulted or women who might be in the future?

And you’re missing my point, which is that companies don’t actually think they’re “wiping their hands” of anything, because they don’t look at it like this.

As anybody who watches Fox News, I guess!