
That’s my fetish.

Trust me, there’s got to be at least one guy out there who can only orgasm when he’s thinking of clipping through the universe and falling into an infinite void.

It’s not just that it’s stupid, it’s that he just lifted a front-page post on reddit without adding anything :/

Stupid gag is stupid. Find better material, Fahey.

My thoughts exactly.

Man, the gif shows a dude punching a barrel, which then EXPLODES and then says: “Based on a True Story” and I thought to myself: Ah, this is going to be hilarious and metafictionally interesting in the ways in which it plays with tropes. The actual trailer was not hilarious at all and it turns out that this was a

So a disaffected, cultish military separates itself from the core of humanity to go wander the outer dark, creating their own cultures and religions only to return later once the rest of humanity had forgotten them? Great now we’ll have Star Wars Clan Wars:

Like any regime, the first order did some unspeakable evils but also accidentally righted a few wrongs. The war on the Gungans, though unjust, certainly had a measure of schadenfreude.

I’m unreasonably excited about the upcoming films and stories, not gonna lie.

I see what you did there.

Robot nipple slip! How about a NSFRW (not safe for robot work)! :D

I have to wonder what the corporate exit strategy would be for this. If I had no scruples and wanted to run an operation like this, I couldn’t imagine how I wouldn’t be facing jail time once the bot secret came out. And it’s such a big, juicy nugget, I just know it would have to leak at some point. This appears to be

What you see on social media isn’t always what it seems.

You mean a site that had the express purpose of helping married people bypass the rules of married life, was also completely ripping people off? WHODA THUNK IT

I don’t see a problem with this