
Oh for chrissakes... Jim Jordan? J I M    J O R D A N ? ? ?

People have done far, far worse and gotten lesser sentences. It’s pretty egregious that a single individual holds the power of life and death in two US states.

Can we talk about his for just a moment: When muff diving goes wrong

My experience at Cox Toyota in December 2010 wasn’t great, or good. Salescritter lied about features, surprise fees, still had to sit though a sales pitch for financing despite having already arranged my own. All the paperwork done I still ended up sitting around waiting for 3 hours for the keys. Service managers are

You can’t legislate from the pulpit AND keep your tax except status. Something something cake, something something eating it too

All well and good till the teacher calls in the school resource officer to handle an informed, I mean, disruptive student. Insert excessive use of force here.

The Daily Beast must be hurting for content. They just ran same topic with some of the same pictures.

Just another day in Hollywood

High cheekbones and a chiseled jawlines are great and all that but... I’m getting really strong “ax faced” starvation victim vibes. If it makes them happy, I guess more power to them

Will you *sit* behind a screen while the storied tales of your forefathers become a myth? Or will you *stand* resolute against the dying light of America’s golden age

Pretty bold words for... uh. Yeah, that golden age is long gone.

Ordinarily, I would refrain from mocking the uneducated....
GA wants to elect a legislator, who will craft the actual letter of the law, who isn’t able to form grammatically correct sentences? That’ll work out really well.

Cop logic

How about the voters of Ohio, where the girl actually lived and couldn’t get help at all?


Given the amount of empathy this guy has for rapists, one has to wonder how many folks the judge raped as a young man.

Oh FFS. “Would Justice Thomas like us to find a copy of Webster’s dictionary for review?”

Brilliance? Surely you mean grift.

I’m not a nurse, but I do work in healthcare and went to a 3x12 Fri-Sun (work 36 get paid for 40) schedule earlier this year. Let me tell you- yes, it can be done. Do I question my choices around hour 9 on Sunday? Not infrequently. It’s been my observation that people tend to select “alternative” schedules for a

I hate this with the heat of one thousand suns. Do they even give you the “option” to buy out of them, like Amazon does with it’s Fire tablets?

I hate this with the heat of one thousand suns. Do they even give you the “option” to buy out of them, like Amazon