
So what, men get a pass to act like tools and calling them on it is “ruining” them? Found the incel!

It’s tragic, but what measures are you expecting post shooting? Should the close the whole hospital for 3 days and transfer all inpatients out and then back? Screw all the sick people, we have to honor the nurses! What would satisfy you in this situation?

Is that why they haven’t been able to crack the Zodiac code? Because it’s not actually code, it’s just Ted Cruz’s doodling?

Too tame. Wire up the mics with electrodes- if after two warnings the debater still refuses to comply, zap em. Seems to work well enough for difficult to train canines.

please delete


Simple solution- the next time these folks want to glue themselves to something, let them! Search their bags, remove any solvents and set up a perimeter to prevent anyone from reaching them till closing time, then lock them in for the night. Let them be exactly where they want to be, under the circumstances they


My parents did that one year. Only time that house ever got vandalized.

Fixed it for you:
Also wild that when a teen seeks an abortion it’s still murdering an unborn child, but when ***rich men seek*** an abortion, it’s just like a fun goof...

Hmm, math is hard- if a good guy with a gun in the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun...
2 good guys with guns (GGwG) couldn’t stop a bad guy with a gun (BGwG) from killing his wife and it took even more good guys with guns to stop the one bad guy with a gun... Solve for X

2GGwG + xGGwG = 1BGwG

“Jesus may not recognize you. Because he made you a boy. He made you a girl...”

Wait, Jesus made me!?! Like, he contributed an X or Y chromosome to me! Does Dad know? He WATCHED?!?

Is no one going to mention the excellent pickles?

Mommy issues much?
That a black man could offer that up seriously is insane. He should run for office in GA.

After graduation, Judge Porter lived in las Vegas, Nevada and worked at a law firm that specialized in construction-defect litigation. After returning to Iowa in 2006, he served as the ************Violence Against Women (VAWA) Prosecutor********* for Wapello Count...

Are you $%^& kidding me? This guy?

Can we just round up all the Infowarz, Qanon and other right wing conspiracy nuts, put them on a giant barge and shove it out into the Pacific during typhoon season? I could be convinced to pay higher taxes to cover setup costs.

“Advocating for the genital mutilation of children under the disguise of love...is one of the worst evils.”

Bah oui

Came here to say this. Take your star

How do you expect them to feel? Are they supposed to give up their now established life and wish they were never born so their mothers wouldn’t have had to endure what they did? That’s noble, no doubt, but realistic or healthy?