
Imagine that- the French spelling something like it sounds for a change

WTH is going on in the header pic? Is the SUV blocking the road while officer friendly has a discussion with the driver of the Subaru?

(Why on Earth would his parents saddle him with such a spelling? Or is it for stage?)

They’ll say the concern was that he might harm himself or others with the gun. I’m not a fan of schools, or any apparatus of government, having eyes and ears inside the home. It’s bad enough Alexa, Siri and Cortana are listening. I also feel like

This isn’t restricted to Minnesota. Civil asset forfeiture needs to be struck down at the Federal level, rather than leaving it up to states to decide whether or not they allow their police to steal.

Fair enough, though the Speaker who denied her proxy request is a Democrat.

Easy Timbo- In America, if they’d been black they’d most likely have been dragged from their vehicles at gunpoint by the police, likely roughed up, all with very the real possiblity of being killed before all was said and done. That’s what race has to do with this particular article.



This hasn’t aged well.

PC, FF’s most recent update- cannot vote, but no captcha.
PC, Opera w/VPN- no captcha, able to vote without issue

If they’re using a Blendtec or Vitamix, yeah, it would shred a towel. That... doesn’t look like shredded towel. The oppressor whining about being oppressed is a pretty well established trope in America. It’s worked well for the Christian Right for quite awhile now.

Why don’t the police just organize a good ol’fashioned boycott like real Americans?

Anyone care to wager on whether or not she’ll cooperate with authorities to bring charges for the shooting? 

Looks more like someone upholstered the door with the skin of a large reptile, in my opinion. It doesn’t look bad, per se, but it kinda throws me. I’d want to touch it as it looks like it ought to be soft.

Never forfeit your right to appeal?

Not much in terms of absorbancy, though.

Not much in terms of absorbancy, though.

Things have come a long way since just throwing down a towel... To think, I’ve been doing it wrong my whole life.

Things have come a long way since just throwing down a towel... To think, I’ve been doing it wrong my whole life.

Sleeping in is a probation violation now? Truancy, I guess? What positive effect on the child does the judge expect this to have? Maybe I should just be happy the arresting officer(s) didn’t body slam her or end up killing her?

Peanut Butter Egg