Why not just give him a job? Even if he needed constant supervision, it would have to be cheaper, more productive, and more humane to put this compulsion to use.
Why not just give him a job? Even if he needed constant supervision, it would have to be cheaper, more productive, and more humane to put this compulsion to use.
New York City is the largest, wealthiest city in the United States of America, the richest, most powerful country in…
Just about any Soviet-era Lada.
Thank God no one got hurt.
Oh, the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin’...
While 2 percent of their engineers try to go farther, faster, 98 percent of their engineers try to fit more into smaller, transport cheaper, and charge more for less. While Donald Sutherland may be breathless, my legs are cramped, my back hurts, and I’m hungry.
Like my sister, who was such a coke fiend she lost her house in the 80s and who was on public assistance because her dumbfuck husband was in prison who NOW believes “People on public assistance should be drug tested.” Like that?
Oh, I’ll go and say it—I really think that this late stage lapse into fascistic conservatism is a form of mental illness, comparable to alzheimer’s. I’m not absolving Trump, just saying that I think this is a symptom of certain people becoming susceptible to these crazy machinations as they age.
It took a bit longer than I thought to find but here it is in full glory, sniff is toward the end.
Burner account here...
Now we know what happens when Swedish marketing execs take peyote.
If people try to steal my armrest in the middle, I will leave my arm uncomfortably touching theirs the whole flight. There’s no limit to my passive-aggression.
there are no “recline” arguments...just shitty people justifying shitty behavior.
Yes, it’s a catastrophe. There’s no other way to describe the allegations from the Environmental Protection Agency…
Why did it have to be a seafood truck.