I doubt a single Trump property is making money. His whole plan is to get them blown up, so he can collect the insurance. Never underestimate his genius for grifting.
I doubt a single Trump property is making money. His whole plan is to get them blown up, so he can collect the insurance. Never underestimate his genius for grifting.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again: the best parking spot is one that allows you a quick exit. This is generally in a row on or near an edge, with limited pedestrians (not right on the front drive) and with limited direction of travel (not near where the side and front entries meet, for example.
I’ve been a full-time transcriptionist for eight years and am exiting the field because of the rates. It’s the only field I can think of where a someone with highly specialised skills, top command of a language (never mind two and the ability to work in a third), and working as a freelancer is considered to not even…
I'd move that whole exhibit to Madame Tussaud's House of Horrors.
It’s almost like Trump isn’t very smart.
He is a caricature of the all the terrible stupid people you’ve ever argued with online, rolled into one pilled out angry Boomer.
It might take you a year just to get everything sorted out.
I have no words. She said them all and with a fierceness that leaves me humble and morbidly afraid.
That’s why Graves is the only one braying laughter at his stupid picking-up-trash joke.... She’s just staring at him like he’s a fucking moron, because he is. She doesn’t have that “automatic smile” problem that most girls and women are conditioned into by that age. Blessed be!
To paraphrase a great sports quote, the only thing he knows about business is that he can’t run one.
You seem like a perfect candidate for Trump University, they can give you a solid education in Trump branded ventures such as how to lose millions by owning a casino, how to lose millions in bad winery investments, and the most important business lesson Trump has learned is how to get bailed out by Daddy / duestche…
I - and others - have posted about this before. There are many policies and mechanisms dictating how the presidency operates that turn out to have been based on tradition and common sense instead of explicitly written law. For example -
Much of the joy I feel at watching Johnson fail is just a fantasy that I could watch the same from Trump. I know the British system has a lot of flaws and failures but god damn would it be nice to see some fucking action on our end like they are seeing.
Oh my god, I would love to see members of Congress give Trump the dressing down he deserves, on camera, while he has to sit there and take it.
The Democrats could bait Trump into triggering a global recession, but they also don’t want to trigger a global recession because they actually care about people.
Why do we insist on making heroes out of people? Why can’t people just settle for being “decent”? Why do they have to go all the way to “holy”? Because right away, that’s getting into some fucked up, dishonest territory.
Sarah is a national treasure and not racist in the least. Remember when context mattered? Remember when most people could be relied on to have a sense of irony? We’re all embracing a stupid literalism now. It’s maddening.
I don’t care. This is not my problem. I understand that we live in a tipping culture and I believe I tip more generously than most. But it’s not my job to ensure every employee gets benefits, that’s the employer’s job. You make a gross profit selling goods and services at the listed price and out of the profit you…