
Was gonna post this.  So tired of hearing it. That whole team are fucking pedos... Anyone hear about what’s going on at the pentagon? CHILD PORN ALL OVER THEIR SERVERS. They had motherfuckers SHARING that shit. I swear our government (probably all) are run by a bunch of filthy pedos. No QAnon, LOL

Why would you pass up the opportunity to harangue someone like that?

Plus, trumpanzees and their leader using ethnic cleansing/genocide language about the captives (vermin, source of society’s problems, enemies in disguise, etc.). Burden of proof is on them that we’re not “repeating history” (quotes because this shit is perpetual).

I just want to shout from the rooftop about how yes, these are exactly concentration camps. The only thing they aren’t doing is executing them, which is not necessary for the term to be correct.

Has there been any write-up about Lizzo’s cry for help lastnight on Insta? I know it’s got nothing to do with Cardi but I was just wondering. Ever since her album dropped we’ve been watching her blow the FUCK up and be a superstar and I know that has got to be incredibly overwhelming. Anyway, it looks like she

Correct, but through their actions they’re engaged in price fixing since Uber determines the price. Alternatively, all the drivers are engaged in price fixing since they are collectively deciding what the going rate is.


The premise of their business model is based on a Schroeder’s labor model.

All of this “disruption” is just using new technologies to break many of the laws and standards we have taken for granted for decades.

I do love saying I told you so. 

I called out a homophobe for saying gay people shouldn’t be allowed to marry. He pulled the ol’ “I’m not homophobic, I have gay friends” bullshit. I said “You don’t get to call people your friends and say they don’t deserve rights in the same breath.” He insisted that they WERE his friends, he just didn’t think they

I don’t think it’s going nowhere. Maybe nowhere while Republicans have a say, but these are powerful ideas that are winning over voters. It might not pay off today or tomorrow, but it could in 2, 4, 12 years.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with putting one’s foot in somebody’s ass.

Preach. But at least she’ll be one of the most qualified to say “I TOLD YOU SO” over and over again to everyone else in the Congressional Bunker once it all collapses.

AOC, I love that you are speaking truth to power. Don't stop. But I am so deeply saddened that your efforts and energy will go nowhere. 

Because electing and reelecting an irrefutable racist is an act of racism in and of itself, regardless of one’s priorities or intent.

Ted Cruz, like that twit Shapiro, want to so desperately (as the kids say) slide into AOC’s DMs.

Soon Sinclair will just be “10 Facts About Trump. #7 Shocked Me!”, with nothing but commercial and two second sound-bytes.

Sinclair as shown with this bullshit, they will keep pushing small bullshit until everyone just accept it, fuck those garbage pieces of shit making up crap.

As someone who worked years in local TV news, I can say with complete conviction that it is a joke. But honestly, who the fuck tampers with a weather forecast? Of all the elements inside a half-hour newscast (two blocks of “news,” weather, and sports) the forecast is the most fact-based. Why alienate your audience by