
Comer blew my everlovin’ mind in that show.  She’s spectacular.

My god she’s insufferable. I too haven’t forgotten her Blaxploitation Period™. And now she must hijack the LGBTQ community, just so she can claim that’s she’s not just bride, she’s a cool bride y’all! <eyeroll>

I see no distinction between letting an unvaccinated child, especially one with an active measles case, walk around...and smashing open a glass vial full of live measles virus in a populated area.


This investigation was paid for by the school and the diocese....and they found no wrongdoing on the part of their students. I imagine just the same way the Catholic Church found nary a single orphan was abused by a single priest at their orphanages. 

If you stay below freezing, that’s cool
The problem is when it goes above freezing during the day, and below at night.
Now all that good walking snow is a sheet of ice.

Yes. I would personally like to punch each one of them in the face.

Reminds me of an article that quoted a woman in Florida shortly after the shut down began. She said “He’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to be hurting.” Let that sink in for a minute. A woman voted this man into office thinking his main responsibility was to hurt a segment of the population she didn’t like. This

If a 26 year old man is rocking that hairstyle odds are pedo.

I’m still not super angry at Malek taking a job, particularly something as ‘once in a lifetime’ as this, and which has been a really successful role for him - I’m angry at the studios/companies/people that keep picking Singer as a director. While some actors have a lot of choice in their roles, most people on a movie

Don’t have to say something racist for the likelihood of it to be a factor.

I think that woman would be triggered by absolutely anything. This has nothing to do with the size of the seats and everything to do with her being an abusive garbage person who moves through life looking for any opportunity to degrade other people while feeling self-righteously aggrieved.

“I eat salads, ok?”

I love her. And I am amazed by the number of people with all these odd-ball growths that are coming out of the woodwork to find salvation at her hands.
The pops, the squeezes, the slicing off of the nose growths -- all give me great satisfaction in this age of great anxiety. Now if she could just squeeze that big blob

Why do you care though? So what if a 50 year old wants a grilled cheese? You gonna tell them they can’t have one because it’s only available on the kids menu?  Is there some law prohibiting the sale of kids menu items to people older than 12 in your state? 

It’s almost as if the writer didn’t take, say, 20 seconds to do any research about Bundy. Can you imagine?! (Also, I took way too much time trying to guess the noun in “...as he defends himself in the criminal justice...” but finally went for the most reasonable “system.” I could be wrong, though.)

I’m really confused by the tone of this article. The pure charisma and likability of Ted Bundy is well-documented. His crimes and horrific actions are also well-documented. I feel like the teaser sets up the audience to see these two sides of the man. Who else, but a former teen heartthrob (the handsome one you would

Friends and I realized that if we just said “we should all go out to dinner” it would become a huge mess immediately, with either too many suggestions or zero. Our solution was that whoever proposed has to give three options, and folks pick from those only. Works well. 

One of my dark secret tricks:
You can exploit anchoring effects on Craigslist by posting a fake listing identical to one you want to sell for 20% more than yours, making yours look like a comparative bargain, and do the same for something you want to buy, posting a fake ad undercutting the apparent market price so real

Dude im a musician so i know compistion and you are wrong they are so close you would think one is a sequel song to the other whichever one was truely made first but there is no denying that they are very similar in keys compisition and lyrical structure and vocalization