
Honestly, given that she’s be active in the industry since the bad old days and STILL was shocked by Tambor’s conduct kind of proves that it was insanely beyond even the usual run of bad behavior.

I think it’s really sad that Shawkat feels bad about not saying enough. She was the youngest person in the room, and shouldn’t be tasked with telling a bunch of grown men who are seasoned professionals to maybe let Walter be heard about something she experienced. That’s the kind of courtesy they should be capable of

As someone who battles depression, what would make me happiest right now is for you to die a slow painful death.

This is fine and everything, but once you’re past level 5 you’re not likely to seek help anyway, because what’s the point? They can’t do anything for you anyway, right? When you get to that point you just don’t want to waste people’s valuable time with your mental garbage and worthless presence.

Fire Marshall Bill still burning shit down.

look, what he did was inappropriate and gross. He probably shouldn’t work going forward. But if you read the article, they’d already filmed the season when this stuff came to light. Putting a lot of people out of work as punishment to one person – who was gross but wasn’t Bill Cosby by any means – seems a little

Maybe it’s finally time for the companies providing us these email clients to finally create/implement a standard for email.

lol, you had me up until olive garden. That’s basically the McDonalds of Italian food.

Tossing the double-space after a sentence is just plain reasonable. It was invented to solve a problem we no longer have. Typesetters had issues, but digital type doesn’t have those issues. There’s nothing easier to read about a sentence that has two spaces after it, because we don’t have universal space sizing.


There’s absolutely no reason why every company shouldn’t follow ToS;DR’s approach: easily stated (and shorter) Terms of Service that give you all the information you need to know without boring you to death.

I had a roommate with that allergy, and she would flip her shit if I ever forgot and accidentally brought a Reese’s cup into the apartment. I totally understood and respected that request until she started doing heroin, and then I figured all bets were off if she was gonna inject a lethal substance into her body. I

I can understand both sides. If you’re the parent of a kid with a peanut allergy (or other severe allergy to a very common thing), I’m sure that’s difficult. You have to work hard to protect your kid, whom you presumably love very much, and it can sometimes feel like the rest of the world is out to get you. I imagine

I think what’s most likely is that he asked for the code, was told he couldn’t have it, then saw the white kid get the code without buying something, and decided to start recording then. I’m sure had he known how things were going to go down, he would have recorded the first conversation.

You are missing something. A fucking brain. Do you think that every minority in this country needs to wear a fucking body camera so you can believe what they experience racist bullshit every day. That is some appalling shit you fucking shit pile. Like this guy would go out of this way to fabricate this encounter? Why

To some extent, yes. Okay, to a large extent.

My only quibble with your comment is that Mother Theresa IS ALSO an asshole LOL But yes this is entirely spot on. Elon Musk is amazing.

Purloined panties. Looted lingerie. Stolen skivvies. Burglarized bikinis.

I heard the ensuing car chase left skid marks.