
“calm, rational vegans”

And half of them are vegans because it’s trendy, and not due to any deeply-held beliefs about eating meat or the debatable health benefits.  

calm, rational vegans

I wish people would do this in life and not just in business.

People hate discussing how much violence is the result of male entitlement and how our culture plays into these toxic, rage filled fantasies that turn into all out massacres.

I agree but would only add that in many other cases, domestic violence or frustrated attempts to dominate a woman/women are part of the mass killer’s motivations. One more reason why a ping for domestic or relationship violence should immediately disqualify people from legally owning guns.

BULLSHIT. He was not “desperate.” He was an entitled male ENRAGED that his former girlfriend didn’t want to date him anymore.

Also, this is less a “school shooting” than a “male feels entitled to woman who doesn’t like him, so he kills her” shooting.

Yes. True!

The idea that the foreskin presents a hygiene problem is pure horseshit.

I don’t think you understand how nerves work.

not really. sensitivity is a two-way street.

for starters, the foreskin is home to a bazillion nerve endings.

Took the words out of my mouth. Yeah, it’s a little offensive to hear that not having had your wiener molested during infancy puts you in a fetish category. And double yeah to dating those raised outside US. Eastern Europe almost in all its entirety would be a safe bet. We were taught proper hygiene so we didn’t have

She could try dating men who weren’t raised in the US as a start. You don’t necessarily have to go to the fetish level. There are plenty of foreigners who are uncut.

It also helps to be completely soulless.

It helps if you get paid for it, I would imagine.

It honestly wouldn’t be that hard. Our healthcare spending per capita is several times more than any other industrialized country; hell, even if you just count the public expenditures, and leave private out completely, we still spend more than most. A well-designed system would actually save money.

Tax the rich

It’s been interesting, even inspiring, watching Kimmel develop in the entertainment field. While he was fun with Adam on The Man Show, what I like about his run on Jimmy Kimmel Live is how he seems to have matured. He’s still funny, it’s just nice to see him also stand up for things he believes in and really be true