
“Amazon dominates online shopping, and it’s killing brick-and-mortar stores too, but if you’re fed up with the company you still have options. Walmart and Jet are both convenient alternatives”

Pretty sure Amazon is sending an AI robot to find you now.

I have a few friends who have had gastric bypass surgery, and getting a portion off the kids menu is the only way they can eat out with us. Most restaurants have decided that bigger is better, so it is really hard for them to find a place that serves food in a more manageable size. They always feel bad about it, but I

Yeah, I’m kind of getting tired of her “screw what you want, I need a huge tip!” takes.

This so much! Sometimes people don’t necessarily eat out to “eat out”. You don’t know.. maybe that’s the only time your 14 year old kid actually will talk to you, so you eat out a lot more than you normally would so you can know what’s going on in their life.. or maybe you’re with someone who’s hungry but you’re

Good for her but I could give a shit.

Wow, this answer is really condescending. Someone wants a hot dog with ketchup and suddenly they’re a ten year old with no taste? I’m sorry, sometimes I want a fucking hot dog with ketchup. I’ve been to fancy $50 a plate restaurants whose entrees might’ve been made by the chefs of God Himself to put me in heaven for a

These people are the worst.

A movie can have humor in it without being a “comedy.” If someone saw Get Out without knowing that it was written and directed by a guy who initially got famous doing sketch comedy, they would never categorize it that way.

Or how about this...

The Shakespeare quote about “first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers” is said by the bad guy and thus not something Bill actually recommended.

First of all how I eat is none of the servers business. If I want to eat like a 10 year old so be it. Second, maybe the restaurant should offer better choices on the kids menu if that is the case. Third, what’s tacky is you telling anyone how they choose to eat is tacky and 4th maybe if the server does a good job the

Adult orders are gigantic. I gotta order from the kids menu.

This whole column should be called “How to guilt people into screwing themselves and paying me more.” None of this advice is geared towards actually improving a dining experience. It is just a how-to guide for waitstaff to get larger tips.

  • I’m losing out on tip. This one’s self-centered, but if a kid’s meal costs a fraction of what an adult meal would cost, that’s a few dollars less in your server’s pocket if you tip by percentage.

I have to disagree with you here. I cancelled my membership at my old gym specifically because of this. While using the treadmill closest to the front counter, I could hear every comment that employees were making about the overweight members who came through the door. Things like “Why does he even bother?” and making

Wow, talk about losing sight of the big picture. This never needed to be turned over to a collection agency. A LOT of small businesses would consider it a win getting over $500 on a $600 bill. Just keep calling monthly and deny future services until the debt is paid, like everyone else!

My wife heard me play this and is now almost on the floor laughing.

Rich, childless, tech-bros living in dense urban areas LOVE to tell the rest of us why we don’t need cars.