
And now I don’t need dinner. Thanks Michael!

Yeah...yeah, good point.

But we are!

If that dude had Hitler’s attention span, we’d be immeasurably fucked.

Well, since we know he can’t read....

You didn’t answer the obvious question:

Tell ‘em, Kate!

What the fuck is this “best friend” bullshit? Someone who does that (and then this) to you is NOT YOUR FRIEND.

I’ve known a few Leonards myself. That shit stays with you. It really erodes any sense of trust you have in future relationships.

Renaming historical buildings is the cultural marxists equivalent of toppling a statue upon a military invasion.

The Root attracts every faux intellectual out there, doesn’t it?

If Gen. Petraeus is selected as the new national security adviser, he will have to notify his probation officer within 72 hours.

You are exemplifying the anti-intellectualism that this current administration is thriving on.

I don’t think Beyonce was robbed at all. Adele is in fact an amazing singer.. quite honestly .. the best. Beyonce is a great performer though.

In my city you cannot file a report unless you give them all your personal information (name, address, etc) and it must be correct. Then they give a copy of that to the neighbor saying you complained. Ya, that’s a great idea.

I just love that she’s allowing herself to be a little unhinged. Not in any bad way, just in a very... real way. She is who she wants to be, sings how she wants too, that’s fucking powerful. Allowing your audience to know you so deeply is (I’d assume) very challenging, but as a listener, it’s like the umami of music:

There’s something about someone who can be equal parts articulate and foul mouthed that just makes my liver quiver and my knees give way.

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

Actually, they pretty much do only teach about black historical figures for one month. Yes, Martin Luther King, Jr. gets one day in January. George Washington Carver may get a mention at some other time. Rosa Parks may get a mention. But, seriously, the entire reason for Black History Month is that they ARE ignored

Because.... America? It does seem pretty tone-deaf (and disingenuous) to ignore the whole ‘Black History Month’ thing that’s going on.