
Wait, was this in the car or the restaurant? This is kind of sloppily written.

I guess that makes Ivanka a special little snowflake who needs a safe space. And screw Nordstrom for not selling clothes made by a “great person”! -_-

Never doubt Our Orange Overlord’s ability to make any situation worse. Ivanka could have just quietly swallowed this business setback and got on with her life, BUT NO! The triple O has to bitch, and Nordstrom gets to reiterate that sales are the reason for this decision. He is actually humiliating his daughter by his

No it hasn’t. That’s what white supremacists and their allies and enablers have said to counter every accusation of racism for at least 20 years now. Conservatives claim that the term “racist” has no meaning anymore, then they prove it themselves by ignoring racism.

This. People need to stop calling it “white nationalism”.

Yeah, I really wish the media would come out and say “Nazis.” Alt-Right makes it sound nice and cheery, but at the end of the day: Nazis.

Fuck yeah, Nancy.

from my vantage point, even one would be more than all her peers combined.

Goddam. This lady has all the balls in Washington.

That has been the one bright spot. That so many people spontaneously showed up to protest. But i fear that Trump will cause so many daily outrages that the shocking will become the new normal, and people will just get used to the madness. That is how extremism took root in every country. Regular people just didn’t

I spent the weekend in horror, rage, shame and yes pride. If my government disgusts me, my fellow citizens (well most of them) fill me with hope.

I get that, but I honestly read it more as, “this case went a long way toward ruining her life, the only form of justice she’s faced in this life.” But, I’m an optimist. :-)

Hell is too good for this woman. She knew exactly what would have happened to him upon those accusations.



You can see the sparks between the Obamas. There really doesn’t seem to be much between the Trumps.

This guy looks like the leader of a religious cult. Nothing but evil in his racist eyes. Not even Meitu can fix that.