
He’s a spiritual, moral and existent threat to the best founding ideas of this nation

I do want it said and again and again how this has nothing to do with conventional politics. Trump isn’t just wrong or bad (or even primarily wrong or bad) because he’s a Republican. He’s bad because he’s just a shitty human being who just so happens to have hijacked politics.

Michelle Obama has been one of the classiest, the most educated (two ivy league degrees), perhaps the smartest, and yes one of the most beautiful first ladies we have ever had. We will be lucky to get another one like her. People who hate on her are ignorant racists. She is so many things that all of us strive to

“I’m not a racist — those are only things I say from my true heart-of-hearts in private to my friends!”

“I didn’t feel it was offensive,” he explained to The Advocate.

All good shortcuts, except for the full justification one. There are very few cases in which right justified text is a good idea in a word processor. Most people don’t pay attention to the subtleties of letter spacing, hyphenation, etc. and the text ends up with rivers of white space. Right justification makes most

Agreed. It doesn’t look “professional” at all and it is less readable.


I’m on nothing besides my 162 verbal IQ. Writing is like breathing to me. It becomes so burnt into the circuitry of my limbic system that I fall into a hypnotized state, and the subconscious moves the hand in the direction it deems efficient and worthwhile. I am not even aware of what I am writing. The words flow

Bobby, we have to measure the Universe somehow. Humans, most of them fucking morons trapped in a bag of their own projected shit and fascination with instantly blinking lights, still require the need for self sustainement, like flying cockroaches, who live for about 8 days and just fuck like crazy in the time they