
Viking was a job, not an ethnicity, so go for it!

After recently replaying most of the previous games, what really helped me was the realization of how these games are structured. Imagine the pitch for the original game: was it “we have this great, clear story, and in addition we’ll link in a bunch of stuff from Disney and SE”, or was it “we have this idea for really

Not sure how tongue-in-cheek the socialism points are, but smashing the current system seems rather harsh. There are definitely substantial problems, but throwing everything away ignores the positives capitalism has brought. However, the current system also seems rather unsustainable - while there is clearly severe

To be a Trump voter, you have to be the type of person who believes shooting yourself in the foot to splatter blood on the clothes of someone you hate is worth it. Unfortunately, many people have been programmed for years to easily fall to this false value trick.

The thing about Kingdom Hearts is that the story only exists as a thread to tie together disparate cool set pieces. This could be said of almost any video game, but it’s particularly glaring in these games because the set pieces are derived from completely different stories across completely different universes,

They are pretty adamant about blatantly copying TNG as much as possible. Female security chief leaving around the end of the first season is just one more unoriginality point for them.

Might make an interesting story, but doesn’t seem like it would work well as a superhero movie. Either the superheroes are secondary to the main characters, which would mean the superhero material would be reduced and thus disappointing to people who go to see a superhero movie for superheroes, or the main characters

Super hero movies have overtaken a specific space: big-budget action movies with excessive amounts spent on special effects. They exist as spectacle, and serve that purpose competently. People want something they don’t have to think too deeply about, can mostly just react to. Smarter movies exist, but most people

Huh. Well, knowing Florida, that may just work itself out.

Also, for the cheater: it sounds like you may still be sleeping with your wife as well, which means you’re exposing her to threats she doesn’t even know about. Beyond despicable. Whether you continue the affair or not, if you don’t tell your wife that it happened, you are a monster - you may as well have injected her

I think there may have been something different for me because I remember my first hangovers being an abject hell I couldn’t believe any living beings would willingly inflict upon themselves more than once. I’ve had extreme pain before but this was something else. I read that hangovers were basically dehydration, so

As someone who recently stopped playing this game after putting way too much time into it from the start (hit 12,500 achievement points), if you knew what endgame is like, you wouldn’t feel guilty at all. I maxed out all levels a long time ago, and there is still a ton of stuff to do after hitting 70. Also, the

Please provide empirical evidence that crystals have any real effect beyond exploiting idiots.

Say what you will about the strategy of simply charging more, but that was the totality of the strategy that saved Tim Hortons (Canadian coffee shop franchise) from going under in its early days. Pretty much no one checks after the fact if their assessment of assumed value was at all correct.

Many in investing have been saying for a long time now that the actual fundamentals like earnings haven’t been able to support the valuations, but markets aren’t fundamental indicators, they are sentiment indicators. The arbitrary nature of the points they dropped from and to means you can’t tell if value was lost now

Fundamentally, buybacks shouldn’t boost prices. Some see it as an indicator that the company’s leaders think the stock price is too low, but it’s really an indicator that those leaders don’t see an opportunity to further invest in their company with a return as high as the dividend rate. But whatever people think they

Wow. Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you seem to have really missed the mark here.

Seems highly likely the accidental death rate from teachers carrying guns would be higher than the reduction in shooter victims. Which means this would actually cause more deaths. But America has shown time and again it cares more about guns than children’s lives (as long as they are someone else’s), so that certainly

No, you’re not. If you have them on you get tiny bits of Fight Money (12 per fight, takes 100,000 to buy a character).

Yeah, that’s basically it - Chinese company is sold as having a certain amount of assets, but apparently no one bothered to check if that were true, so some guys actually go out there and find out they were blatantly lying. They find a bunch like that and short them. Kind of scary how little oversight there is when