
Meh, it’s a single line that is harmless to most and important to a few. It’s sillier that you’re upset enough to comment on something tiny for not benefiting you personally.

Hm, I wonder if, after remarrying, she reminds her family of the previous mother. The father doesn’t seem like a particularly nice guy, so maybe he’s reminded of some stuff he’d like to forget, so he minimizes exposure to any reminders.

I don’t think anyone who espouses trickle-down economics has really thought it through. Imagine owning a business. If you suddenly pay less in taxes, are you automatically going to hire more people? Why? If hiring more people would be profitable to you, you would have gotten a loan to make it happen without the tax cut

I have been trying to get through this, because what he says is really compelling, but how he says it is often brutal. I get that him just lecturing without jazzing it up would be weird too, but all the dancing and voices and whatnot come off as a parody of the worst parts of one-man shows.

This was pretty much the first FF game I didn’t buy (beyond XI, due to internet viability issues at the time), it just didn’t look like there was much Final Fantasy in it. The responses people have here seem to justify that decision.

The lobby system always seemed insane. How is it not institutionalized bribery?

Yeah, the trope is stupid and done to death, but it may have come about from real observations, and there is an algorithmic explanation for why this to some degree happens. Look into the stable matching problem, also known as the stable marriage problem. It’s an over-simplification of the real world, but basically,

Ezekiel 16:49

Agreed. Crunch is always due to management failure, and the consequences are pushed onto the employees below them.

Research has been done on workplace efficiency for over 150 years, and time and time and time again, it shows the same thing: overtime is a bad idea. A person can only be productive to a certain level in a day, and if you add hours, you’re mostly diluting the productivity per hour, and by compromising the number of

Mulaney is probably right about that. But also, pretty much every generation ever thinks the next generation is worse because it’s different, and this seems to be just another in a long line of cases like that. It’s not that the current generation are applying a ridiculous rubric to old comedians, it’s that comedy has

Hm, I found the opposite. At first it was interesting to be able to use your magic to boost stats, but that meant you were punished for ever using any good magic. And while it was different, it was effectively the same thing as mp, only much more complicated and restrictive without offering any benefit in return.

Most people seem to either love or hate it, but I found it to be extraordinarily meh. It was like they took VII and decided to make everything duller. Duller characters: not just the main character, everyone was basically just a bunch of students who were almost interchangeable and barely connected, beyond being

Considering his consistently negative comments whenever asked about Canada, only a non-Canadian would consider him one of the best Canadians.

I have bought and extensively played every Marvel game since the beginning...but Infinite was the first one I just couldn’t justify. UMVC3 over MVC3 was more exciting than Infinite over UMVC3. Infinite seemed far too similar, and then had a whole section of the best characters cut out, so the only material difference

I’m getting a “what’s a truck?” vibe from Cruise’s comments there.

Years ago, working in investment, I looked into EA at a time when the stock had amazing potential, but a big part of that was because investors were clueless about the video game industry. Nearly everyone I talked to in finance, including sell side analysts who are supposed to know the companies under their coverage

Well, who was it who said that the American poor think of themselves as just temporarily-embarrassed millionaires? It’s rather sad that people will put up with getting less if they are given the idea that they can get more, even if the requirements to actually get that more are far more restrictive than many believe.

Prediction: some mysterious person/being is killing each of the slayers, one by one. Will be the big bad or working for him/her, maybe shockingly revealed to be a character from Buffy. This show’s slayer is the only one who survives, and must fight the big bad. Some magic stuff happens where the strength of all the